Gallstone removal


Also known as cholelithotomy, gallstone removal is a procedure that rids the gallbladder of calculus buildup.


The gallbladder is not a vital organ. It is located on the right side of the abdomen underneath the liver. The gallbladder's function is to store bile, concentrate it, and release it during digestion. Bile is supposed to retain all of its chemicals in solution, but commonly one of them crystallizes and forms sandy or gravel-like particles, and finally gallstones. The formation of gallstones causes gallbladder disease (cholelithiasis).

Chemicals in bile will form crystals as the gallbladder draws water out of the bile. The solubility of these chemicals is based on the concentration of three chemicals: bile acids, phospholipids, and cholesterol. If the chemicals are out of balance, one or the other will not remain in solution. Dietary fat and cholesterol are also implicated in crystal formation.

As the bile crystals aggregate to form stones, they move about, eventually occluding the outlet and preventing the gallbladder from emptying. This blockage results in irritation, inflammation, and sometimes infection (cholecystitis) of the gallbladder. The pattern is usually one of intermittent obstruction due to stones moving in and out of the way. Meanwhile, the gallbladder becomes more and more scarred. Sometimes infection fills the gallbladder with pus, which is a serious complication.

Occasionally, a gallstone will travel down the cystic duct into the common bile duct and get stuck there. This blockage will back bile up into the liver as well as the gallbladder. If the stone sticks at the ampulla of Vater (a narrowing in the duct leading to the pancreas), the pancreas will also be blocked and will develop pancreatitis.

Gallstones will cause a sudden onset of pain in the upper abdomen. Pain will last for 30 minutes to several hours. Pain may move to the right shoulder blade. Nausea with or without vomiting may accompany the pain.


Gallstones are approximately two times more common in females than in males. Overweight women in their middle years constitute the vast majority of patients with gallstones in every racial or ethnic group. An estimated 10% of the general population has gallstones. The prevalence for women between ages 20 and 55 varies from 5–20%, and is higher after age 50 (25–30%). The prevalence for males is approximately half that for women in a given age group. Certain people, in particular the Pima tribe of Native Americans in Arizona, have a genetic predisposition to forming gallstones. Scandinavians also have a higher than average incidence of this disease.

There seems to be a strong genetic correlation with gallstone disease, since stones are more than four times as likely to occur among first-degree relatives. Since gallstones rarely dissolve spontaneously, the prevalence increases with age. Obesity is a well-known risk factor since overweight causes chemical abnormalities that lead to increased levels of cholesterol. Gallstones are also associated with rapid weight loss secondary to dieting. Pregnancy is a risk factor since increased estrogen levels result in an increased cholesterol secretion and abnormal changes in bile. However, while an increase in dietary cholesterol is not a risk factor, an increase in triglycerides is positively associated with a higher incidence of gallstones. Diabetes mellitus is also believed to be a risk factor for gallstone development.


Surgery to remove the entire gallbladder with all its stones is usually the best treatment, provided the patient is able to tolerate the procedure. A relatively new technique of removing the gallbladder using a laparoscope has resulted in quicker recovery and much smaller surgical incisions than the 6-in (15-cm) gash under the right ribs that had previously been the standard procedure; however, not everyone is a candidate for this approach. If the procedure is not expected to have complications, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed. Laparoscopic surgery requires a space in the surgical area for visualization and instrument manipulation. The laparoscope with attached video camera is inserted. Several other instruments are inserted through the abdomen (into the surgical field) to assist the surgeon to maneuver around the nearby organs during surgery. The surgeon must take precautions not to accidentally harm anatomical structures in the liver. Once the cystic artery has been divided and the gallbladder dissected from the liver, the gallbladder can be removed.

If the gallbladder is extremely diseased (inflamed, infected, or has large gallstones), the abdominal approach (open cholecystectomy) is recommended. This surgery is usually performed with an incision in the upper midline of the abdomen or on the right side of the abdomen below the rib (right subcostal incision).

If a stone is lodged in the bile ducts, additional surgery must be done to remove it. After surgery, the surgeon will ordinarily insert a drain to collect bile until the system is healed. The drain can also be used to inject contrast material and take x rays during or after surgery.

A procedure called endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatoscopy (ERCP) allows the removal of some bile duct stones through the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and biliary system without the need for surgical incisions. ERCP can also be used to inject contrast agents into the biliary system, providing finely detailed pictures.

Patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis can be treated with certain medications called oral bile acid litholysis or oral dissolution therapy. This technique is especially effective for dissolving small cholesterol-composed gallstones. Current research indicates that the success rate for oral dissolution treatment is 70–80% with floating stones (those predominantly composed of cholesterol). Approximately 10–20% of patients who receive medication-induced litholysis can have a recurrence within the first two or three years after treatment completion.

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a treatment in which shock waves are generated in water by lithotripters (devices that produce the waves). There are several types of lithotripters available for gallbladder removal. One specific lithotripter involves the use of piezoelectric crystals, which allow the shock waves to be accurately focused on a small area to disrupt a stone. This procedure does not generally require analgesia (or anesthesia). Damage to the gallbladder and associated structures (such as the cystic duct) must be present for stone removal after the shock waves break up the stone. Typically, repeated shock wave treatments are necessary to completely remove gallstones. The success rate of the fragmentation of the gallstone and urinary clearance is inversely proportional to stone size and number: patients with a small solitary stone have the best outcome, with high rates of stone clearance (95% are cleared within 12–18 months), while patients with multiple stones are at risk for poor clearance rates. Complications of shock wave lithotripsy include inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) and acute cholecystitis.

A method called contact dissolution of gallstone removal involves direct entry (via a percutaneous transhepatic catheter) of a chemical solvent (such as methyl tertiary-butyl ether, MTBE). MTBE is rapidly removed unchanged from the body via the respiratory system (exhaled air). Side effects in persons receiving contact dissolution therapy include foul-smelling breath, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), vomiting, and drowsiness. Treatment with MTBE can be successful in treating cholesterol gallstones regardless of the number and size of stones. Studies indicate that the success rate for dissolution is well over 95% in persons who receive direct chemical infusions that can last five to 12 hours.


Diagnostically, gallstone disease, which can lead to gallbladder removal, is divided into four diseases: biliary colic, acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, and cholangitis. Biliary colic is usually caused by intermittent cystic duct obstruction by a stone (without any inflammation), causing a severe, poorly localized, and intensifying pain on the upper right side of the abdomen. These painful attacks can persist from days to months in patients with biliary colic.

Persons affected with acute cholecystitis caused by an impacted stone in the cystic duct also suffer from gallbladder infection in approximately 50% of cases. These people have moderately severe pain in the upper right portion of the abdomen that lasts longer than six hours. Pain with acute cholecystitis can also extend to the shoulder or back. Since there may be infection inside the gallbladder, the patient may also have fever. On the right side of the abdomen below the last rib, there is usually tenderness with inspiratory (breathing in) arrest (Murphy's sign). In about 33% of cases of acute cholecystitis, the gallbladder may be felt with palpation (clinician feeling abdomen for tenderness). Mild jaundice can be present in about 20% of cases.

Persons with choledocholithiasis, or intermittent obstruction of the common bile duct, often do not have symptoms; but if present, they are indistinguishable from the symptoms of biliary colic.

A more severe form of gallstone disease is cholangitis, which causes stone impaction in the common bile duct. In about 70% of cases, these patients present with Charcot's triad (pain, jaundice, and fever). Patients with cholangitis may have chills, mild pain, lethargy, and delirium, which indicate that infection has spread to the bloodstream (bacteremia). The majority of patients with cholangitis will have fever (95%), tenderness in the upper right side of the abdomen, and jaundice (80%).

In addition to a physical examination , preparation for laboratory (blood) and special tests is essential to gallstone diagnosis. Patients with biliary colic may have elevated bilirubin and should have an ultrasound study to visualize the gallbladder and associated structures. An increase in the white blood cell count (leukocytosis) can be expected for both acute cholecystitis and cholangitis (seen in 80% of cases). Ultrasound testing is recommended for acute cholecystitis patients, whereas ERCP is the test usually indicated to assist in a definitive diagnosis for both choledocholithiasis and cholangitis. Patients with either biliary colic or choledocholithiasis are treated with elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Open cholecystectomy is recommended for acute cholecystitis. For cholangitis, emergency ERCP is indicated for stone removal. ERCP therapy can remove stones produced by gallbladder disease.


Without a gallbladder, stones rarely recur. Patients who have continued symptoms after their gallbladder is removed may need an ERCP to detect residual stones or damage to the bile ducts caused by the original stones. Occasionally, the ampulla of Vater is too tight for bile to flow through and causes symptoms until it is opened up.


The most common medical treatment for gallstones is the surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecsytectomy). Risks associated with gallbladder removal are low, but include damage to the bile ducts, residual gallstones in the bile ducts, or injury to the surrounding organs. With laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the bile duct damage rate is approximately 0.5%.

Normal results

Most patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may go home the same day of surgery, and may immediately return to normal activities and a normal diet, while most patients who undergo open cholecystectomy must remain in the hospital for five to seven days. After one week, they may resume a normal diet, and in four to six weeks they can expect to return to normal activities.

Morbidity and mortality rates

Cholecystectomy is generally a safe procedure, with an overall mortality rate of 0.1–0.3%. The operative mortality rates for open cholecystectomy in males is 0.11% for males aged 30, and 13.84% for males aged 81–90 years. Women seem to tolerate the procedure better than males since mortality rates in females are approximately half those in men for all age groups. The improved technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy accounts for 90% of all cholecystectomies performed in the United States; the improved technique reduces time missed away from work, patient hospitalization, and postoperative pain.


There are no other acceptable alternatives for gallstone removal besides surgery, shock wave fragmentation, or chemical dissolution.

See also Cholecystectomy .



Bennett, J. Claude, and Fred Plum, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1996.

Bilhartz, Lyman E., and Jay D. Horton. "Gallstone Disease and Its Complications." In Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, edited by Mark Feldman, et al. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1998.

Fauci, Anthony S., et al., editors. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Feldman, Mark, editor. Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 7th Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier Science, 2002.

Hoffmann, Alan F. "Bile Secretion and the Enterohepatic Circulation of Bile Acids." In Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, edited by Mark Feldman, et al. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1998.

Mulvihill, Sean J. "Surgical Management of Gallstone Disease and Postoperative Complications." In Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, edited by Mark Feldman, et al. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1997.

Noble, John. Textbook of Primary Care Medicine, 3rd Edition. St. Louis. Mosby, Inc., 2001.

Paumgartner, Gustav. "Non-Surgical Management of Gallstone Disease." In Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, edited by Mark Feldman, et al. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1998.

Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 16th Edition. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 2001.

Laith Farid Gulli, MD
Nicole Mallory, MS, PA-C
J. Polsdorfer, MD


The procedure is performed in a hospital by a physician who specializes in general surgery and has extensive experience in the surgical techniques required.


User Contributions:

article was very good but what do u mean by normal diet after surgery. Is there any extra risk regarding Heart and does patient need councelling after surgery.
Keep in mind all bodies are different. My wife had her's removed on a Saturday and the following Tuesday she was back in the hospital because her Pancreas was causing her more pain while her body adapted to the missing organ.
Sergio Diasana



Debbie Johnston
Thanks so much for this site. Our 25yr. old son is large and there is a gallstone family history. Mine(mom)were found in my 30s following a scan to look for ulcers. At 5'9" 141lbs, I had no symptoms, but the gall bladder was stone filled and one was nearing the pancreas. Successful surgery was done immediately, with an excellent outcome. My father had the surgery done in his 50s following open heart surgery. He was 6'7" and 220lbs. Our son is 6'1",235lbs. with a 40" waist.Is an MRI or CT scan better for detection? Also, is it true that if a stone drops into the pancreas, the result is diabetes? This concerned mom very much appreciates your expertise in this area.
Shannon Robinson
I am looking for information regarding the removal of a gallbladder that was 6x larger than normal due to a internal birth defect. The patient was 15 and the surgery was performed at Ft. Dix Hospital, NJ in the mid 60's. There where no stones, gall bladder was "healthy" but spreading/stretching throughout the body as it filled with bile. Sudden acutue biliry colic appearing mid morning and lasting for approximatly 12 hours left patient weak occured periodicaly. Photo's where taken of the surgery. Thank you
what happens if there is complications after the surgery(like the urinary bladder stop working?)

what happens?how can it be fix?
i remove gallblader by laparoscopy but there are some symtome like befor sergury such as rght pain
acidity gut and pain in powel what shall i do
my wife was operated on a monday because she was diagnose that she had gallstones. she could not stand the pain in her abdonal area and would go to her upper right she got operated and the procedure went according to the doctors so we stayed in the hospital for 3 days and she was we came back the next monday because the same pain came back alot worst.she got operated was put in to remove all the excess fluids my wife has been in pain for the last 5 days probably the fliuds were draining inside her an is causeing a painful burning sansation.i need more infomation about the outcome.the docter said they might have to operate again doing the full operation procedure 04/15/2010
I was detected multiple gallstones in my gallbladder of collectively size 12.5 mm in Jan 2010 (I had tried three different radiologist and get three different reports from them. Two are saying there are multiple stones in my gallbladder and one is saying there is one calcified stone of size more then 10.5 mm). I had gone through many gallbladder attacks that time (probably 35-40 attacks from Nov 2009 to May 2010). This was terrible time for me. I consulted many doctors for alternative treatment other then operation but no result and no hope came from any of them. My situation was going to be worst and finally I decided for surgery. At that time I was surfing on Internet about how the stones formed in gallbladder? What is the importance of this vital organ? And how is life without gallbladder? I was shocked to read that gallbladder is such an important organ and after surgery my life is going to be dumb. Gallstones are actually formed in liver and few of stones are in gallbladder. If gallbladder will remove, the pain will go but what about liver??? I explore more and more and finally I got my destination. “Andreas moritz --The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush”. I bought this book and gone through within a week. I finally decided to do the liver flush suggested in this book. I follow all the instructions thoroughly and done my first liver flush in May 2010. After first liver flush my 40-50 % symptoms has been gone within few days. Back pain, shoulder pain, allergy on my left leg has been gone. No gallbladder attack after first flush. I have got small shiny crystals like substance in my stool and no stone. I had tried second liver flush after one month in June 2010 and got many light green color stones in my stool. Food intolerance had gone after second flush and I had left antacids and dygine because I was suffering from acute acidity. In my third liver flush I have got some dark green color stones and now ready for the fourth one (done and got more then 100 dark green color stones of sizes from 1mm to 2 cm. The images I have uploaded on Now I have no symptoms, no pain, no allergy, no gallbladder attack, no acidity since May 2010. I have changed my life style. I am taking simple and veg diet and doing Prayanam and Yoga in morning and following all the rules suggested by Andreas Mortiz in his book and Baba Ramdev. I am taking plenty of pure water everyday (this is very important because dehydration is a major cause of Gallstones) Andreas wrote in his book that 6-7 liver flushes will require cleaning complete liver and gallbladder. I have done three liver flushes so far and living healthy life. Hopefully I will save my vital organ. Kindly read this book and try Liver Flush.
My daughter was just diagnosed with gallstones and is 7 months pregnant, (still waiting to hear from a doctor), what kind of options would she have to have them removed?
after my gallstone surgery i have some leakage out the rectum and get diarria more often now is that caused by what i eat?
I am 42 yrs. old. What r the side effects to this surgery? Will I b in any more pain? I had a lot of chest pains? And I would develop terrible gas sometimes too. What foods will I not b able to eat? Will I gain or loose weight from this?
I am due to have my gall bladder removed on 25th February 2011. My husband has seen a cruise going from Singapore - Southampton on the 7th March which he would like to take me on. We would have to fly to Singapore on the 6th March. Would I be able to fly from London to Singapore after surgery if everything goes well. Many thanks Sue
I have a question, a member of our family went through a laparoscopic cholecystectomy a week ago, after the procedure she was showing complications so she was taken to the amergency room and after the tests were done the doctors found that she had bile fluid in he diagfram and of cause of this she had also signs of blood infection and for this symptoms her doctor decided that she needed a second surgety to be able to remove all the fluid trap in her diagfram. Now she's in critical condition and I wnat to know what are the chances that she's going to recover from this surgery.
hi, my mom is suffering from gallstone problem. according to the reports she has gallstones plus pus in her gallblader,and the pain is high. doctor here said that he cant operate in this condition and has given antibiotics to subside the infection and pain, and said will operate once the pain is low. i m worried wat will happen next.
thank you for this future i wanted to know about nerves system damaged hearing losses treatment in india.
Good day po! may napunuod ako sa aksyon TV tungkol sa health. At ang topic nila ay tungkol sa mga uri ng bato sa katawan at my na mention sila na gamot "calcu tab" kso nung ngtanong ako sa drugstore wala daw silang gamot na gnun di ko rin mahanap sa internet kung anong gamot un. kasi pag once na uminum ka daw nun kung may bato ka daw at effective sahurin lang ung ihi mo ng lampin at makikita mo daw ung crytal na parang salt at sa dumi naman daw ay may kulay green na makintab naman daw kaya curious naman ako kaya naghahanap ako kung saan nakakabili nun gamot na "calcu tab". maraming salamat po.
i recently got mines mine taken out nn my shoulder hurts alot
My father is of 57 and in recent check up followed by ultrasound scan, it has been found that there are 2 small stones of 10mm size is present.
My question is except surgery is there any other way to get rid off this problem, if not then how much it costs in india?
Please reply soon
my mother is patient of GAS,asthama,sugar,blood pressure and Stone in gall bladder. she is getting high pain in stomach and gas is forming regurally. we consulted to doctor he said she having lot of problem and we are not suggest to go for an operation. but i m not able to see my mother problem please suggest me should i go for an operation.
because i am not able to tolerate my mother stomach mother age is 60

please need suggestion immediately so that i can go further.

with regards,
RAVI Kumar
I just had my ERCP the endoscopic procedure a week ago to remove gallstones in the bileduct(gallduct), but in the proces only a few were out, I woke up and shout pain so the doc had to stop. It took me many days to feel better again but I still feel slightly feverish( no temperature ), slightly yellowish , no pains but my energy level is about 80%.
I am getting worried about the rest . Further check on blood count will follow in 10 days.
Am I in a position to try liver/gallbladder flush using olive oil/grapefruit juice, after taking the Epsom's saly(magnesium sulphate)?
I will try in 2 days , anybody who has the experience please kindly share it with me! Your comments and advice are greatly appreciated!
Desperate in Holland,
Anthony Gan
cody hamilton
hi, i was operated in december of last year for my gallbladder being remove because i was diagnosed with gallstones. I am only 16. my body has not gotten us to digesting the fats on it own and have trouble excreating. and still having sharp pain in stomach. what should i do ? I really need advice on this.?
I would like to know when the new laparascopic tool from China that removes the stones while leaving the Gallbladder intact will be available in the UK and worldwide.I really don't want my Gallbladder removed so this would be ideal for me and also others in the same position
Can some one write down gallbladder fush technique here. The book mentioned above is not avaible in my part of the world. I have been diagnosed gallbladder stones. Shall feel obliged.
Hi. My daughter has been diagnosed of gallstones sizes 68mm and 36 mm . Are they small enough to use the flush method of olive oil, lemon juice and 5 days apple juice diet? Is this flush method real? The bile duct is so small that I can't imagine claims and testimonies to have passed stones as big as grapes to be true?

My daughter may have the surgery any day soon. Pls advise. Any opinion?
bongani sibanda
my brother has just had his gallbladder removed,but the doctor has discorverd that he has an inflamed colon.what could have caused this and what should be done?is it possible that maybe the initial diagnosis to his abdomianl pains which led to the removal of the gallstones was wrong and that all the time the pain was caused by an inflamed colon?
wilson m. lim
leslie v
I have been suffering from gallstone pain for 2 or 3 years i lived in the emergency room, they kept telling me u gad acid reflux i had test done still nothing. Finally i went to another doc this past Jan they say i hav multiple stones i am in so much pain, the meds dnt work i hav consultation next tues to set up the surgery, i can barely est ive list weught i cnt hav an normal life, the pain hits all in my chest back and side having this is no joke
Hi im living here in Seattle WA and im schedule for surgery to remove my gallbladder on Monday May 6,2013. Luckily im healthy except for the gallstones which are a lot according to my gastroenterologist. Ive had 2 ERCP it lessen my pain but im still in pain coz I have a bunch of gallstones in my gallbladder, one big pearl size half an inch that blocked my bile duct & some near my pancreas. I felt bad to some who were in serious pain. My doctor gave me ursodiol to dissolve the gallstones and it work coz the pearl size stone is gone but im still in pain on my chest & back all on the right side only coz my left side is pretty clear & pain free. Im confident that my operation will be OK coz the doctors here are pretty good. They all explained to me what are they going to do & asks me if I have some questions. Im still scared though coz we all know when complications attack there is nothing we can do. Im hopefull that my operation will be A OK.
can we have any kind of laser treatment for the removal of gallbladder stones
I'm too scared to go under the knife... I only get an attack about once a year. I'd rather get 0 attacks but there's no guarantee the surgery will even correct the pain. I don't know WHAT to do... :'(
I'm too scared to go under the knife... I only get an attack about once a year. I'd rather get 0 attacks but there's no guarantee the surgery will even correct the pain. I don't know WHAT to do... :'(
Janet Robson
I had mine removed on a Sunday 21st. July sent home on the Monday and ended up bac In the following Fri 26th seriously I'll throwing bial it was disgusting I was kept In for 6 days and they still Dont no to this day what was the cause of it after running ultra sound scans and mrcp scan I a still in pain and its over 2 weeks since my op I thought I would have been fine by now I am in so such pain but not had any answers as to why my pain is not easing so dissapointed if any one can enlighten me as to why I'm in so much paini would greatly appreciate ur replies
My wife is having constant problems with her gallbladder, mainly that gallstones form and blocks ducts, and we got the gallstones out through a cleansing process, at least most of it i would assume. So she has been fine for like a month, then a few days ago she started to have an gall bladder attack and as an result got jaundice. Now since it is possible to remove gallstones instead of going for surgery, i would rather prefer to keep all her internal organs in place. Something I have been thinking about, if you removed all gallstones from your gallbladder will gallstones form again just to cause another attack? I mean, I make sure she is on a healthy diet, exercises ect.
3 years ago August 2010 I had surgery on my right lung. Since then I have had page in the same place every time I breathe n even it's gotten to be continual pain I had an ultrasound of my gallbladder and it showed very large stones in it and that was mine months to a year ago have been praying and I'm going to do a gallbladder flush maybe I want to get shockwave fragmentation and then chemical dissolution if I can because I want to keep my gallbladder after seeing so many of these comments that people are sick afterward I really want to keep my gallbladder I tell the lord I'm not going to have surgery so he has to heal it he has to help me receive the healing for it but the andrew more its a gallbladder flush liver gallbladder flush is on YouTube just type in his name and it will pull it all up and he tells you how to do it NES emulator videos that will help you and you don't have to buy the book unless you want to you know because they're probably is more information in it. God bless all of you who may write comments in the future and any in the past it may look again that your gallbladder would be healed so that you would not have to have surgery.
My mom had her gallstones removed just over a week ago, but she still has alot of pain, which painkillers can be prescribed for her to take.
I had my gallbladder out in 2005 and it was fine, didn't move much for the first two days and tummy abit sore (I had one very large stone and so did both my grandfathers), I was 44 at the time (female 9stone so not over weight for 5'7) just ate a lot of fatty foods worst for me were batter on fish and anything pastry or in crumbs. Try not to eat anything like that because if I do I may need to run to toilet with rather loose bowel motion. My stone was so large that I could not lie on my right side and I could feel it, the month before my sister had died of cancer and I was sure that I had it also, after three serve attacks early in the morning I finally went to doc and an ultrasound confirmed it. Was put on urgent waiting list and had it removed (keyhole) 7 weeks later...we have a great health system here in NZ
kumar navneet
Dear sir my mother Had gone for open surgery of gallbladder as well as common bile duct.after 4 weeks of still bile is coming out in drain in 24 hours about 200 ml.How many days that bile will come out please help me to find the solution of this problem.
Hi, hoping someone could help. I'm a flight attendant, and have been told I have to have my gallbladder removed. I usually fly daily ( I work for a private company). Could anyone perhaps give me an indication as to how long I would need before I go back to work?
Hello.. my question is- there will be any problem to get pregnant or pregnancy after gallstones removals or gallstone surgery?? Please tell me.
My mother in law has gallstones and is in a lot of pain. She needs it removed, but cannot have it removed because she cannot be put under. She has chronic COPD.. There has to be something that can be done. She is in a lot of pain! Please help. She is not eating and has lost a lot of weight as well.
hi my name is farrah and i had gallstones about a months ago it was goin on for like 2 weeks but got even worse on the second week and finally went to the emerge that 2 friday .. & was waiting for about 5 hours until finally they saw me and i thought it would be ulcers but got an ultrasound done and it was gallstones and had surgery that saturday night .. and was gonna stay one night but ended up stayin another cause i was still in pain and couldnt get up in my own until that second day so anyway its been 6 weeks from last night since i had my surgery and i from this day still feel pain only when i lay one my right side.. and when i carry my 4 month old nephew it was worse this morninf havent felt that pain since after i had surgery it was on scar just underneath the breast (inbetween) & on the ride side underneath the right breast any idea on what it could be? Or should i just get it checked out maybe another ultrasound? ..
My father is 63 y old.for gallbladder stone surgery some important testing were done and doctor told the possibility of cancer. Surgery was been done in a presence of cancer surgeon and they din.t removed gallbladder stating that cancer is at the stage whereas gallbladder removal is risky.but they removed pus from gallbladder and a small stone however suspected area print test and biopsy test report came back negative as no cancer present .my father is not feeling any single issue what should be the possible step I should take now. Please help.
My mother is approximately 70 years old. she got stone in gall bladder measuring size 0.6mm. What is the best treatment for this problem? Also give your valuable advice.
I had lapiscopic surgery to remove my gall bladder and after 1 month I was pregnant. Is it save or not? If not after how many months or years I can get pragnant?
I get attacks ONLY when I eat anything with fat or cholesterol. Only eat no or low-fat everything! I do not recommend even low fat milk because I don't have the best luck with it! I do in fact use s little to cook with. Fry only in extra virgin oil like once a month if that! I will tell you what i can eat...Country Crock butter, hot chocolate, any juices or 7up, lots of turkey, ham, chicken, 97% lean hamburger, lean steak, veggies & fruits but no avacados. They even have Lays chips in every kind that's 50-70 less fat. No more than 30 or 45 cholesterol per serving when you're reading labels. Bake everything!
kilio jowa
I had my gallstones removed on 13 August 2015. It was successful but what surprised me it was a lot 4 big big one and some middle size and the small sizes if I want to count maybe they will reach over hundred. My question is if I stand for at least 20 minutes I feel dizzy and my body is still shaking and my appetite is not correct but I am eating normal. What is the solution to this problem
My mom is having stones in gall bladder . her fitness reports are coming severe . now surgerical pain has also been started so soon she be having operation soon in coming days .she is an asthma patient and to be back in consious again it becomes tough for her therefre , Doctors after diagnosing her had said there are chances that she can get in coma ryt now i am not having any idea i m totally puzzled i dunt wanna lose her what to do please suggest me something i need them ASAP !!
in how many days jaundice gets treated after an operation to remove a gallstone which has become stuck in the bile duct. after five days of the ERCP my wife is still having acute jaundice. what to do now
my mum just had hers removed and all her body is swollen, what causes this swell and how can it be treated? although its just two days since the surgery
Rose Piper
I have had diarrhea for three days ans it is three days after the ERCP procedure. I had no instructions on problems after the surgery and can't find much on the internet on this subjct. Is this a common problem and are OTC meds suitable to stop this?
Abu Legese
My mom age in 50s has visited for health facilities and her examination showed that she has stone in gall bladder. The physician recommended to have surgical operation. stones produced and identified measuring 1.21cm to 1.55cm with thickness measuring 5.22mm. so which types of treatment is more safe.
Himani gupta
I got my laparoscopy done on 7 June and everything went fine can I now drive my scooty is this perfectly safe now after 17 days of my surgery old do guide me
Keshar Singh chettri
After removal of gallbladder how does body produce bile juice since it is necessary for digestation?
Purnima Srivastava
My mon Age is 65 Year and she is having many stones in gall bladder but she is a patient of asthma and it comes after diagnosis that her lungs are weak, so please suggest that what type of surgery is required for her removal of stone of Gallbladder

Mo: 9452243542
I am suffering from gall bladder stone and doctor advised me for the surgery. Earlier I had undergone open surgery for duodenal ulcer . Now doctor telling me that they will go for open surgery instead of laparoscopic surgery as I had already one open surgery earlier. Please suggest whether laparoscopic surgery is possible in my case as I don't want open surgery again.
Teresa Oswalt
I have Cronic COPD, and have recently been told I have a gall stone 1 inch in size. Will I be able to be put under for surgery if I need it removed? I have slight discomfort with it as of now. But notice I have some symptoms.
My question is can I get gallstones back after having surgery for them be be removed with my gallbladder too
Linda Vink
I had my gallbladder out about 20 years ago and the Dr said that it had abnormal cells in it but he didn't do any treatment does that mean that it wasn't anything to worry about. I have just started worrying because I get pain sometimes in my right side under the lung
I had my gallbladder removed by Laparoscopy in 1989 at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada. What kind of clip metal was used at the time.
I had done surgery of gallbladder two days before having 1.7cm gallstone , very dissapointed after the surgery because i want to do some natural treatments but after visiting hospital Dr suggested to undergo surgery..m married 25yr women ..dis whole thing is depressing me.
Well I've had gallbladder attacks constantly for the last five weeks. I've been sent home from a&e 5 times with aspirin. Obviously these people have never felt this pain. Finally I was admitted and spent a few days till the pain settled. Over Christmas. Two weeks, 12 X-rays, 2 ultrasounds and an MRI scan later I am vivid yellow and waiting patiently on my surgeon calling for me to have surgery. Hope against hope it's tomorrow. I think I'd run to theatre I feel so awful. Does anyone know how quickly the jaundice will clear? The itch is horrendous.
Hi, my husband had his gall bladder removed 13 days ago. On the 10th day he had a temperature of 38 on the 11th day his temperature rose to 38.6. And his skin has yellow tinge. I took him to out patients in case he had developed an infection. After blood test they said he needed a ct scan. The scan showed that he had a leak, and a blood clot,and infection. He is on anti biotics and will need further surgery with a specialist
Ashwani Sharma
My Father Sonography report states that " Gallbladder is contracted with dense echoes suggesting gallstones,gallbladder is inseparable adherent to the liver"

What will be best treatment.
X husband is diabetic
went to hospital for another infection in leg, ( 2nd infection same leg within 3 mo),
been in hospital 15 days
Had 4 surgeries to remove infection and tubes.
Had gallbladder removed today
On a breathing machine for the second time today
I haven't been scared this whole time- but am now.
Is this many surgeries ok for a diabetic in such a short amount of time-?(15 days)
X husband is diabetic
went to hospital for another infection in leg, ( 2nd infection same leg within 3 mo),
been in hospital 15 days
Had 4 surgeries to remove infection and tubes.
Had gallbladder removed today
On a breathing machine for the second time today
I haven't been scared this whole time- but am now.
Is this many surgeries ok for a diabetic in such a short amount of time-?(15 days)
X husband is diabetic
went to hospital for another infection in leg, ( 2nd infection same leg within 3 mo),
been in hospital 15 days
Had 4 surgeries to remove infection and tubes.
Had gallbladder removed today
On a breathing machine for the second time today
I haven't been scared this whole time- but am now.
Is this many surgeries ok for a diabetic in such a short amount of time-?(15 days)
Ainsley John
Minerals and salts which are available in our pee once in a while stick together in a few people and afterward form into little kidney stones.
my mother
my mother is now gallstone present . her age 56 years . her blood presher is so high and problem face heart mild dises . just u can ans me how can possible operation? and solution me and what i can do?
In My ultra scan reports one 17 mm stone in galblader in galblader surgery stone removed or galblader removed what is the procedure. I am going to surgery on april2018.

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