

A salpingostomy is a surgical incision into a fallopian tube. This procedure may be done to repair a damaged tube or to remove an ectopic pregnancy (one that occurs outside of the uterus).


The fallopian tubes are the structures that carry a mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus. These tubes, which are about 4 in (10 cm) long and 0.2 in (0.5 cm) in diameter, are found on the upper outer sides of the uterus, and open into the uterus through small channels. It is within the fallopian tubes that fertilization, the joining of an egg and a sperm, takes place.

During a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg passes from the fallopian tubes into the uterus and then implants into the lining of the uterus. If the fertilized egg implants anywhere outside of the uterus, it is called an ectopic (or tubal) pregnancy. The majority of ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes (95%); they may also occur in the uterine muscle (1–2%), the abdomen (1–2%), the ovaries (less than 1%), and the cervix (less than 1%).

As an ectopic pregnancy progresses, the fallopian tubes are unable to contain the growing embryo and may rupture. A ruptured ectopic pregnancy is considered a medical emergency as it can cause significant hemorrhaging (excessive bleeding). If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed early (i.e., before rupture has occurred), it may be possible to manage medically; the drug methotrexate targets rapidly dividing fetal cells, preventing the fetus from developing further. If medical management is not possible or has failed, surgical intervention may be necessary. A salpingostomy may then be performed to remove the pregnancy.

Salpingostomy may also be performed in an effort to restore fertility to a woman whose fallopian tubes have been damaged, such as by adhesions (bands of scar tissue that may form after surgery or trauma). In the case of hydrosalpinx, a condition in which a tube becomes blocked and filled with fluid, a salpingostomy may be performed to create a new tubal ostium (opening).


Ectopic pregnancy occurs in approximately 2% of all pregnancies. Once a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, she has an increased chance (10–25%) of having another. Women between the ages of 25 and 34 have a higher incidence of ectopic pregnancy, although the mortality rate among women over the age of 35 is 2.5–5.9 times higher. Minority women are also at an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy-related death.


Salpingostomy may be performed via laparotomy or laparoscopy , under general or regional anesthesia. A laparotomy is an incision made in the abdominal wall through which the fallopian tubes are visualized. If the tube has already ruptured as a result of an ectopic pregnancy, a salpingectomy will be performed to remove the damaged fallopian tube. If rupture has not occurred, a drug called vasopressin is injected into the fallopian tube to minimize the amount of bleeding. An incision (called a linear salpingostomy) is made through the wall of the tube in the area of the ectopic pregnancy. The products of conception are then flushed out of the tube with an instrument called a suction-irrigator. Any bleeding sites are treated by suturing or by applying pressure with forceps. The incision is not sutured but instead left to heal on its own (called closure by secondary intent). The abdominal wall is then closed.

A neosalpingostomy is similar to a linear salpingostomy but is performed to treat a tubal blockage (e.g., hydrosalpinx). An incision is made to create a new opening in the fallopian tube; the tissue is folded over and stitched into place. The new hole, or ostium, replaces the normal opening of the fallopian tube through which the egg released by an ovary each menstrual cycle is collected.

Salpingostomy may also be performed laparoscopically. With this surgery, a tube (called a laparoscope) containing a tiny lens and light source is inserted through a small incision in the navel. A camera can be attached that allows the surgeon to see the abdominal cavity on a video monitor. The salpingostomy is then performed with instruments inserted through trocars, small incisions of 0.2–0.8 in (0.5–2 cm) made through the abdominal wall.

A tubal or ectopic pregnancy can be removed in several ways. If the fallopian tube is ruptured (A), the tube is tied off on both sides, and the embryo removed. If the tube is intact, the embryo can be pulled out the end of the tube (C), or tube can be cut open and the contents removed (D). (Illustration by GGS Inc.)
A tubal or ectopic pregnancy can be removed in several ways. If the fallopian tube is ruptured (A), the tube is tied off on both sides, and the embryo removed. If the tube is intact, the embryo can be pulled out the end of the tube (C), or tube can be cut open and the contents removed (D). (
Illustration by GGS Inc.

An advantage of laparoscopic salpingostomy is that the operation is less invasive, thus recovery time is quicker and less painful as compared to a laparotomy; the average duration of recovery following laparoscopy is 2.4 weeks, compared to 4.6 weeks for laparotomy. An abdominal incision, on the other hand, allows the surgeon a better view of and easier access to the pelvic organs. Several studies have indicated a reduced rate of normal pregnancy after salpingostomy by laparoscopy versus laparotomy.


It has been estimated that 40–50% of ectopic pregnancies are incorrectly diagnosed when first presenting to emergency room medical personnel. Often the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are confused with other conditions such as miscarriage or pelvic inflammatory disease. Diagnosis is usually based on presentation of symptoms, a positive pregnancy test, and detection of a pregnancy outside of the uterus by means of ultrasonography (using a machine that transmits high frequency sound waves to visualize structures in the body).

Diagnosis of hydrosalpinx or other defects of the fallopian tubes may be done surgically, using a laparoscope to visualize the fallopian tubes. Alternatively, a hysterosalpingogram may be performed, in which the uterus is filled with a dye and an x ray is taken to see if the dye flows through the fallopian tubes.


If performed through an abdominal incision, a salpingostomy requires three to six weeks for full recovery. If salpingostomy is performed laparoscopically, the recovery time can be much shorter (an average of 2.4 weeks). There may be some discomfort around the incision for the first few days after surgery, but most women are walking by the third day. Within a month or so, patients can gradually resume normal activities such as driving, exercising, and working.


Complications associated with the surgical procedure include reaction to anesthesia, excessive bleeding, injury to other organs, and infection. With an ectopic pregnancy, there is a chance that not all of the products of conception will be removed and that the persistent tissue will continue growing. If this is the case, further treatment will be necessary.

Normal results

In the case of ectopic pregnancy, the products of conception will be removed without significantly impairing fertility. If salpingostomy is being performed to restore fertility, the procedure will increase a woman's chance of conceiving without resorting to artificial reproductive techniques.

Morbidity and mortality rates

Abdominal pain occurs in 97% of women with an ectopic pregnancy, vaginal bleeding in 79%, abdominal tenderness in 91%, and infertility in 15%. Persistent ectopic pregnancy after surgical treatment occurs in 5–10% of cases. Ectopic pregnancy accounts for 10–15% of all maternal death; the mortality rate for ectopic pregnancy is approximately one in 2,500 cases.


Some ectopic pregnancies may be managed expectantly (allowing the pregnancy to progress to see if it will resolve on its own). This may occur in up to 25% of ectopic pregnancies. There is, of course, a chance that the fallopian tube will rupture during the period of observation. Treatment with methotrexate is gaining popularity and has been shown to have success rates similar to laparoscopic salpingostomy if multiple doses are given and the patient is in stable condition. Salpingectomy is another surgical option and is indicated if a tube has ruptured or is seriously damaged.



Hajenius, P. J., B. Mol, P. Bossuyt, W. Ankum, and F. Van der Veen. "Interventions for Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy (Cochrane Review)." The Cochrane Library 1 (January 20, 2003).

Tay, J. I., J. Moore, and J. J. Walker. "Ectopic Pregnancy." British Medical Journal 320 (April 1, 2000): 916–19.

Tenore, Josie L. "Ectopic Pregnancy." American Family Physician (February 15, 2000): 1073–79.

Watson, A., P. Vandekerckhove, and R. Lilford. "Techniques for Pelvic Surgery in Subfertility (Cochrane Review)." The Cochrane Library 1 (January 20, 2003).


American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 409 12th St., SW, PO Box 96920, Washington, DC 20090-6920. .


Braun, R. Daniel. "Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy." eMedicine. January 13, 2003 [cited March 16, 2003]. .

Daiter, Eric. "Ectopic Pregnancy." . [cited March 16, 2003]. .

"Early Diagnosis and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy." American Society for Reproductive Medicine (Technical Bulletin). March 2001 [cited March 16, 2003]. .

"Hysterosalpingogram." The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide." [cited March 16, 2003]. .

"Salpingostomy." The McGill Gynecology Page. August 27, 2002 [cited March 16, 2003]. .

Stephanie Dionne Sherk


Salpingostomies are usually performed in a hospital operating room by a surgeon or gynecologist, a medical doctor who has completed specialized training in the areas of women's general health, pregnancy, labor and childbirth, prenatal testing, and genetics.


User Contributions:

hello doctor,
i had an ectopic pregnancy n i had undergone a mini laprotomy->left salphingotomy,doctors said me that i have 100% chance to concieve again,but i am scared that will i get ectopic pregnancy again.will it happen again?
What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.i had surgery on march13, long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id
thank u
sharonda harris

I had a etopic pregnancy two years ago and just yesterdy I found out that I am pregnant. Will I have a normal birth? Will this occur again? Can you please let me know if this will cause me to have complication in this preganacy?
monica mendez
doctor i have been pregant 7 time i have one child 4 misscarige and two etopic and only have one tube. is there and thing that can be done for scar tissue inside the tube. please i cant aff ivf and i want a baby more than anything in this world. please reply.
hello doctor,
i had an ectopic pregnancy n i had undergone laproscopi->left linear salphingostomy,doctors said me that i have 80% chance to concieve again,but i am scared that will i get ectopic pregnancy again.will it happen again?
What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.i had surgery on april 28th, long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id
thank u
Hello Dr
I had an etopic pregnancy and it was surgically removed on Dec 17, 2008 what are my chances of having another one again. Will I still be able to conceive the next time around with no complicaions. The etopic pregnancy was on my left side and it was attached to my left ovary so I did not loose my falopian tube neither my left ovary so Im still in tact. Thank God for that. So can you give me a little brief discription on my question.
Thank You!!
I just got out of the hospital yesterday after surgery from a ruptured ectopic. They removed my tube. After reading information on website after website, it is commonly said that I have a 50% chance of fertility after a ruptured ectopic. Is this true?
Hello Dr
I had an etopic pregnancy and it was surgically removed on March 11TH 2009 what are my chances of having another one again. Will I still be able to conceive the next time around with no complicaions. The etopic pregnancy was on my RIGHT side and my falopian tube was removed . So can you give me a little brief discription on my question. how long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved and to particiapte in sex with my partner.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id

Thank you
I have surgery March 14, 2009 to remove my etopic pregnecy on my left side and lost my left tube also. Well my doctor told us that we should at least wait 2-3 months before trying to concieve. Is this true or should I wait longer before we decide to get pregnet. Please write back.
Hello Dr.,
I had an ectopic pregnancy and i had laproscopi to remove the pregnancy unfortunately i dont remember what tube was effected if it was the right or left tube. I was wondering if you could tell me what side it was if the incision is on the left side of my stomach
hello doctor,
i had an ectopic pregnancy n i had undergone a mini laprotomy->left salphingotomy,doctors said me that i have 100% chance to concieve again,but i am scared that will i get ectopic pregnancy again.will it happen again?
What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.i had surgery on feb 12, long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id
thank u

Read more: Salpingostomy - procedure, recovery, test, tube, pain, complications, time, infection, operation, pregnancy, cells, risk, rate, Definition, Purpose, Demographics, Description
My tubes are tied and I'm pregant can I have this baby
I have an ectopic pregnancy 3 years back, doc. removed my right tube and checked the left tube, which was normal, but after one and half year i again have laproscopy bec. doc did not able to see my left tube open in dye test. In the second laproscopy some adhesions were removed and some infection is found, doc found the left tube open, i took anti-biotics treatment, now its been almost 1 and half year after that but i stll have not conceive, Please advice me doctor what treatment to follow to get pregnant?? and can it be possible for me to conceive naturally in future?
I want to ask if rupture of fallopian tube happend to my girlfrend is that any possibility that she can have children again in that case whats the risks?
hello doctor,
i had an ectopic pregnancy after IVF n i had undergone laproscopi->left linear salphingostomy, i am scared that will i get ectopic pregnancy again.will it happen again?
What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.i had surgery on 2 SEP long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id
thank u
Hello Dr,i had an ectopic and my right fallopian tube was removed on the 29th of Dec 2010,i have a boy age4,pls what is my chances of getting pregnant again and for how long can i wait before conceiving again and what are the precautions for me to take in other not to have another ectopic.pls reply into my E-mail .Thanks
i have experienced ectopic pregnancy twice (right and left fallopiantube). so my question is, is there any possibility for my to get pregnant?
hello doctor,
i had an ectopic pregnancy n i had undergone laproscopi->left linear salphingostomy,doctors said me that i have 80% chance to concieve again,but i am scared that will i get ectopic pregnancy again.will it happen again?
What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.i had surgery on april 28th, long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id
hi.iam 25 years old.i had ectopic peregnancy &my right fallopian tube injured&bleeding&now i lose my tube.i want to ask you can i pergnant?when?i used clomophin &letrozol tab &injection hcg in mid of my cycle but iam not pergnant why?pelease help me.thanks
Hello Dr
I had an etopic pregnancy and it was surgically removed on Aug 08, 2011. what are my chances of having another one again. Will I still be able to conceive the next time around with no complicaions. The etopic pregnancy was on my right side and it was attached to my right ovary so I did not loose my falopian tube neither my right ovary so Im still in tact.
What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
So can you give me a little brief discription on my question.
Thank You!!
Dear Doctor, I recently was about a month pregnant and Etopic pregnancy was discovered on the 24/9/11 on
Right rube. Because of scarring to the right tube, I had the Laparoscopic right salpingectomy surgery.
My left tube appeared normal and I was given anti-biotics.
I can't help but be very worried if I will be able to have a normal healthy pregnancy again, is there anything I can
Do to continue to keep my left tube healthy? I.e via my lifestyle or can I request regular check-ups?
God forbid if this happened again and I had no tubes how can I have my own children ?
I didn't have any infections so I am still finding it hard to believe, or swallow this could happen to me for no reason.

i ad an right tubal intact ectopic pregnency one n a half year bach. i have been trying to concieve from one year, but not successfull. please tell me that what can i do to conceive fast and to have healthy one pregnency .please answer me on my e-mail id which is
Elaine Ortiz
For the Williams Family.
The Ortiz Family
Hi Doctor,

I am very worried about 5 years ago i had an ectopic pregnancy on the left side which was successfully removed then 4 months after i fell pregnant with my daughter who is very well and healthy, my only concern is i really want to try for another baby but i am so scared to take the risk of it being another ectopic pregnancy i am only 29 and cant not afford ivf or any interventions. Please can you advise me on what the best way is to prevent this happening again. I have been on evra contraception patches for about 2 years and recently been feeling a niggling pain on my right side.

Please help me.
HI DOCTOR ,I had rt salphingectomy 10 days before.It s an open surgey under general anaesthesia.My left tube appeared normal.Am scare that will i get ectopic pregnancy again?will it happen again?How long gap can be taken plan to get conceived?nw am having rt side leg pain is there.wt is the cause of tis?how many mnths resting period?PLEASE HELP ME. THANK YOU.MY EMAIL
Dr.I had rt.salphingectomy on two weeks ago. I had bleeding in between. Now I have abdomenal pain and's radiating to my left thigh too.please give some advices..
Hi;doctor i,m 28yrs i had laparotomy with salpingectomy 10 days -before after ruptured ectopic but i still have scanty vaginal bleeding is it normal?and what is the best contraceptive method as i was using iud and when i use it?
umme habiba
i had also ectopic pregnancy & laparoscopic salpingostomy was done 2wks ago.this procedure causes early recovery.
In dec 2012 I have salphengectomy in right I am pregnent scanning test is again tubular pregnency in right tube how please reply me
Dr I will be 24 on the 10th of this month .l had laporascopic salppingotomy I had one tube removed it was done on the 21st of March this year . My husband in bordering that we should try again now in July . Please am scared it okay to try now please help me.
I need help can't seem to find my answer anywhere. I had a csection in jam 2009 then October 2013 I had my right tube removed due to an ectopic; they reopened the area I had been cut before. Now I am pregnant due dec 5, 2014 and I want to know if I can do a vaginal birth? Please reply; thank you.
I am a mother of 2yr girl. I had a miscarriage on 12th May. Then i had an ectopic pregnancy on my right n foetus was removed by salpingostomy leproscopy on 31st Aug(5days before). The tube has been left much time will it tak the tube to recover n after how much time should i plan for getting pregnant and what r the chances of having normal pregnancy. Have i to take any precautions or tests.please reply. I m very tense n scared.
samantha king
Hi dr.I have 10% of my left you my right tube is totally gone I want to know is there any way that I can get my left you fixed to attach to my uterus or wherever it needs to be attached to so I can have another baby successfully
I had anectopic pregnancy where my left tube was removed and my right was repaired. Will i be able to have a normal pregnancy and how long should i wait to conceive and what types of food should i be eating.
Hello Doc am 31 got operated 2014 march for ecotpic pregnancy my left tube was taken of am planing to get pregnant again.What are my chances of geting pregnant is it less or more ,can i medically be assisted to plan for a pregnancy thanks pls email me
davina waldroup
I just had both fallopian tubes removed today and I was just wondering how long the recovery time would be on that
I had a salpingotomy 6months ago a still have both my tubes and my recovery was normal .
I would like to if it's ok to start trying again or too soon? Should i see a gynea first?
First pregnancy was totally normal my son is almost five and we would like to try again.
How do I know for sure which one of my tunes were removed, is it on the incision side or the opposite side?
I just had my third ectopic and right tube removed. My right ovary is fine the Dr's say and is now floating? In me? My left ovary is partial due to scaring but the Dr's said my left tube is fine. What are my chances of conceiving naturally? Thank you
I had ectopic surgery done I have it's been three month I have menses twice but now bleeding continuously for a week now
Hi doc,
In 2010 my husband and I had payed for a tubal reversal after having my tubes tide over ten years. Well everything went well intill 2011 wgen i had gotten really ill and had to go to the ER. Well after having an Ex-ray done the nurse had come back saying that there was a device stuck in my uterus.
She then had ask have you had any IUDs i said no. After that i called my OBGYN who had asked me to come in. He then gave a Histolopy and pulled out a two foot of wire. Now my tubes a scared and both tubes are collapsed. And we're out of several thousand dollars and no baby. Any advice on a method besides IVF that's affordable to get successfully pregnant? ??
Hi Doctor. I just had an ectopic surgery a week ago and I've been on bed rest since then. When is it safe for ms to go to work ? I'm up walking but not too much walling more restingvthen walking but I can't stand for long periods of time. I get dizzy && it feels like imma fall out. && sometimes imscarex that I might have an infection. What are the signs ?
Hi doctor my name is ms chiquitta I am very worried about being able to cocieve again. I jus recently had a etoptic pregnancy n my right tube and my right tube was removed. My doctor says DAT he has blocked my left tube is there any chance DAT I will not b able to conceive again I really want more children this is my 2nd etopic pregnancy on my right side
I just had an ectopic surgery a week ago (right salphinogostomy done). What are my chances of geting pregnant is it less or more. This is my first baby still i dont have my child. What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.Will I still be able to conceive the next time around with no complicaions. when can i try again for my baby.Please can you advise me on what the best way is to prevent this happening again.
Hi doc,I had blocked tubes and underwent surgery last September 2014. ive been on clomid for 6 months and was told to stop taking them if there's no my doctor recommended that i do HSG to confirm whether the tubes are completely unblocked.what if the results come out that they were not unblocked,will i have to undergo a second surgery again? suppose the tubes are ok ,what could be the problem then?
Pooja Singh
Hi, I just had ectopic pregnancy and after laproscopic surgery I'm feeling very bad that might be I won't be able to pregnant in future. My one side (right) fallopian tube has been ruptured and doctor advised that there is 50% chances of being pregnant , IS it so or not , please explain what I need to do so that it won't happen again (ectopic) as I don't smoke and not even suffering from any pelvic diseases
Hi doctor I have an ectopic pregnancy and am going for the surgery
That I had blocked tubes before
Will my tubes be opened through the process of removing ectopic pregnancy or not I need to know (Laproscopy)
Rosah Sibindi
Hi I just had a ectopic surgery a week ago. My left tube was removed and my right was repaired. Will I be able to have a normal pregnancy and how long should I wait to conceive and what types of food I be eating
Hi. Pls i had a surgery done 3 weeks ago for ectopic pregnancy in which none of my fallopian tubes wad removed cos it hadn,t rupture then. Problem now is that i feel so much pain in my bowels wenever i want to fart or stool.I feel alot of pain and pressure in my lower abdomen and i often feel a pricking pain around my bowel region making me to always sit down with care and caution.I did an abdominopelvic scan few days ago which showed nothing abnormal.I also did a HVS which showed candida albicans. Ive started treatment for d infection but there,s still no relief for the bowel pain. Pls what else should i do as doctors are saying i shuld wait and see if d pain resolves itself with time. Thank you
What will happen to the patient if she had sex after 3 or 4 weeks had past since she had Exploratory Laparotomy, Salpingectomy and Appendectomy?
Hello.. I had surgery in Oct 2015 due to an ectopic pregnancy. They were able to save my tube.. i have not tried to conceive yet.. im only worried bcus i have had pain on that tube like a stinging and uncomfort feeling. Sometimes makes my left lower back hurts. Is this normal? I have an ultrasound schedule in June.
hello doctor,
i had an ectopic pregnancy n i had undergone laproscopi->left linear salphingostomy,doctors said me that i have 80% chance to concieve again,but i am scared that will i get ectopic pregnancy again.will it happen again?What remedies can be taken for me to have normal pregnancy,should i need to take sum test for that before planning to get concieved.i had surgery on Feb 1st long gap can be taken to plan to get concieved.
can u breifly explain and send to my mail id
Hi dr thank u for the arrticl please i been worry i was married and at the age of 25 had ectopic pregnancy i was 4 weeks pregnant so the had to to operation on My left tub and remove the baby now planing to get pregnant how much chance i got plz i will happy to tell me all about it and what i have to do thank u
Hi Dr.,
I'm in my 40's and june - {10\6\16}- last month I had an ectopic pregnancy, my right tube ruptured and I had surgery . I used the mirena previously but had to remove it after 3 months due to excessive bleeding -this was last year April . Prior to this i used 6 iud in my 20 yrs of contraception but I never experienced that reaction. I don't want any more children . How soon after can I use the brand of iud I was using before ?
I hv gone through the same surgery n right tube is removed.After how much time can I hv intercourse or how long should I wait?
Secondly, whts da probability of getting same prob again?if done under precautions
Thirdly,I will be able to give birth na, as right now we are not interested ,so if done under precatautions ,this will nt happen again na?
M really scared why does it happen...plz share your answer soon
I had laprscopy they they put small cut on my right tube and took eptopic pregnancy out. Will my right tube heal and how long it takes. Will it be damaged. My left tube had a small cist they drained it. I had emergency pill at 63 hours elevenElle need this pill cause eptopic. i need your help please reply
I had right ectopic pregnancy without rupture but with laprascomy saplintomy. Please advise what lifestyle should i follow to avoid any problems to my left tube again. I am thankful for the creator of this site.
Harshita Jhingran
Hi Dr, meri tubes check hui to vo blocked thi but jab mera 7th November 16 ko operation hua to usme meri tubes open thi or uterus or andedaani bhi check hui hai vo bhi theeke aayi, but ek cyst nikla hai Jo ki test ke liye gya hai or uski report 15 din baad aaegi, Vaha dr. ne to keh diya ki aap jhukne ka kaam chhidkna sab kar sakte ho but mujhe usse daily pain hota hai, please suggest me that how many days should I take rest and what kind of work I can do/don't do...

Harshita Jhingran
I had an abortion when I was 16 years old. wish i could go back in time to change that but unfortunately i can't.
Now i am 21 years now and i got pregnant [was not aware of the pregnancy] i only get to know was i was in intense pain vomiting etc.. when i went to the doc said it was an ectopic pregnancy the type of surgery i had was LT SALPYNORTOMY. [ALSO I AM DIAGNOSE WITH PCOS] my questions are
1. what cause the ectopic pregnancy? was it because i did a abortion in earlier years?
2.what are my chances of getting pregnant again? and having a healthy pregnancy?
3. is it normal to bleed lightly a week post surgery?
can u please reply to me thanks
Hi Dr.
I had undergone neosalpingostomy for both bilateral fallopian tubes last 2012. After the operation im still hoping to conceive. Last 2015 i found out that i was pregnant but after a week i had a miscarriage.

For a women like me that still on the age of 31 can I still have a chance of getting pregnant?

Hoping for your response on my attached email add.

Thanks and God Bless
Hai doc
In 2012 nd 2013 I got ectopic pregnancy, and I don't know istill got chances of being pregnant again because that they removed my tubes, butnow I really want a baby what must I do to fall pregnant again cause it's been a while now please respond tomy email I need your help
I had surgery back in August, bikini cut partial salpingetomy on the left tube and removed a 14mm cyst from my right ovary. Now off and on having pain right down in my pelvis, its worse than being fully engaged and active at the end of a pregnancy. I have a smiley face of scars (keyhole histeroscopy and laproscopy, c section bikini cut then salpingetomy bikini cut) currently having the pains on day 15 and 16 of cycle (this month dont remember what it was last month) this is now 3 months of having these pains, im supposed to be having a appointment at the end of march with the gynecologist. Im not on any contraception and negitive pregnancy tests, i got the all clear 6 weeks after surgery and got told we were gine to ttc our 3rd (1st was a c section 2nd was a vbac, we had a missed miscarriage in between our 2 children). I never had pains like this before the surgery so wondering if it could be related to the surgery. Unfortunately cant get in sooner to see the gynecologist as they are booked out for 3 months at the moment, normal dr said im best talking to someone qualified in that area, they were not qualified to do anything regarding it.
why after ruptured ectopic pregnancy right leg paining and swelling.
Hi doc...I had 2 children by c-section. Then 3 years later I was 7 weeks pregnant and had an eptopic my fallopian tube burst as well as having a blood clot. I had laparoscopic surgery to repair my tube. Shortly after I had an hsg done that showed both tubes were clear and open. Exactly 1 year later I had another eptopic on the same side. I once more had laparoscopic surgery and this time had my tube removed. It has been 2 months since my last surgery and I am still experiencing pain in my side I'm unable to return to my normal daily activities. Do you have any suggestions as to why I might still be in so much pain.
Does insurance cover salpingostomy if the hydrosalpinx was discovered during my HSG for fertility treatment?
Hi I am 22 my left tube had removed due to ectopic pregnency. I am very scared that it might happen again.but I real need a baby operation is 3 months now bt still it hurts sometimes I am afraid my tommy will be able to support a baby
Liza Moore
Good morning, I had a right salpingectomy in the June 2013. For the past 6 months on and off I have right sided pain. It appears to start 2 weeks before my menstruation. Is this at all related? Should I see my GP?
Kind regards
Liza Moore
Im 34, mother of two On March 2016, one year ago I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy on my left side bleeding for days (thinking it was my period). I ended up in urgent Laparotomy. Surprise...1) 8wks pregnant 2) IUD in abdominal cavity 3)recommended bilateral salpingectomy. 3 months later find myself in ER again for an infection on my left groin almost had surgery. It has been a long painful recovery. A year later I still find myself with constant discomforts and pain. My right side where I had the tube removed is perfectly fine. But just on my Left where I had the Ectopic, it is always sensitive. I am not able to lay on my left side as if I was laying on a rock discomfort. A lot of times with a sharp throbbing stinging pain. Its hard to explain and my doctors always say I'm OK. I would only like to hear and know how normal is it to have sequels after this kind of surgery. Could it be pelvic inflammatory disease, scar tissue, I dont know.
Thank you for any advice!
Best wishes!
Hallo,am booked for salpingostomy,salpingolysis and ovarian drilling after I did HSG and result were I have proximal occlusion of the bilateral fallopian tubes.would you recommend I have the surgery.

I have a couple of questions regarding Salpingostomy:
1. Is there a preferred time for Salpingostomy to be done? Example, 7 days before or after menses. Or it can be done any time when one is not menstruating?
2. How soon after Salpingostomy can IVF be done?

Thanks for the information.
I had my left tube removed 3 weeks ago. A week after til now I have had diarrhea and pressure when I need to go even when I pass gas. I am dehydrated and I am still having discomforts on my left side and navel area. I am so scared that I have an infection or something is wrong. Been to my doctor and they keep saying it's anxiety but I feel something is not right. Help me
I had my right fallopian removed when can I have baby normally and can I drive after 7 days of surgery my doctor told me my wound have liltle opening so when can I work gym too

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