

A bunionectomy is a surgical procedure to excise, or remove, a bunion. A bunion is an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe and is comprised of bone and soft tissue. It is usually a result of inflammation and irritation from poorly fitting (narrow and tight) shoes in

A bunion results in a bony overgrowth in the foot, causing the big toe to curve outward. To repair this, an incision is made in the top of the foot (A). The overgrowth and fluid-filled sac called a bursa are removed (B). The phalanx bone of the big toe is shortened to straighten it (C). The foot is realigned, and the incision is closed (D). (Illustration by GGS Inc.)
A bunion results in a bony overgrowth in the foot, causing the big toe to curve outward. To repair this, an incision is made in the top of the foot (A). The overgrowth and fluid-filled sac called a bursa are removed (B). The phalanx bone of the big toe is shortened to straighten it (C). The foot is realigned, and the incision is closed (D). (
Illustration by GGS Inc.
conjunction with an overly mobile first metatarsal joint and over-pronation of the foot. Over time, a painful lump appears at the side of the joint, while the big toe appears to buckle and move sideway towards the second toe. New bone growth can occur in response to the inflammatory process, and a bone spur may develop. Therefore, the development of a bunion may involve soft tissue as well as a hard bone spur. The intense pain makes walking and other activities extremely difficult. Since the involved joint is a significant structure in providing weight-bearing stability, walking on the foot while trying to avoid putting pressure on the painful area can create an unstable gait.


A bunionectomy is performed when conservative means of addressing the problem, including properly fitting, wide-toed shoes, a padded cushion against the joint, orthotics, and anti-inflammatory medication, are unsuccessful. As the big toe moves sideways, it can push the second toe sideways as well. This can result in extreme deformity of the foot, and the patient may complain not only of significant pain, but of an inability to find shoes that fit.


Bunion formation can be hereditary, which means that if the individual's mother or father had the condition, he or she is at an increased risk of developing one as well. Bunions can also be a result of a congenital deformity, which means that the individual was born with an anatomical condition that made the development of a bunion more likely. Women are nine to 10 times more likely to develop bunions than men. The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society reports a study estimating that about 88% of women wear shoes that are too small and that 55% have developed bunions. The condition may begin to form in adolescence. Other conditions that contribute to bunion formation include flat-footedness, a tight Achilles tendon, and rheumatoid arthritis. The earlier the diagnosis, the better the chance that significant deformity will be avoided.


Bunions become more common later in life. One reason is that with age the foot spreads and proper alignment is not maintained. In addition, the constant friction of poorly fitting shoes against the big toe joint creates a greater problem over time. Ignoring the problem in its early stages leads to a shifting gait that further aggravates the situation.

Once surgery has been decided on, the extent of the procedure will depend on the degree of deformity that has taken place. There are several different surgical techniques, mostly named after the surgeons who developed them, such as McBride, Chevron, and Keller. The degree and angle of deformity as well as the patient's age and physical condition play a significant role in the surgeon's choice of technique, which will determine how much tissue is removed and whether or not bone repositioning will occur. If bone repositioning is done, that part of the surgery is referred to as an osteotomy ( osteo means bone). The type of anesthesia, whether ankle block (the most common, in which the foot is numb but the patient is awake), general, or spinal, will depend on the patient's condition and the anticipated extent of the surgery. For surgery done on an ambulatory basis, the patient will usually be asked to arrive one to two hours before the surgery and stay for about two to three hours after the procedure. The procedure itself may take about an hour.

The surgeon will make an incision over the swollen area at the first joint of the big toe. The enlarged lump will be removed. The surgeon may need to reposition the alignment of the bones of the big toe. This may require more than one incision. The bone itself may need to be cut. If the joint surfaces have been damaged, the surgeon may hold the bones together with screws, wires, or metal plates. In severe cases, the entire joint may need to be removed and a joint replacement inserted. If pins were used to hold the bones in place during recovery, they will be removed a few weeks later. In some mild cases, it may be sufficient to repair the tendons and ligaments that are pulling the big toe out of alignment. When finished, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures and may apply steri-strips as an added reinforcement. A compression dressing will be wrapped around the surgical wound. This helps to keep the foot in alignment as well as help reduce postoperative swelling.


Intense pain at the first joint of the big toe is what most commonly brings the patient to the doctor. Loss of toe mobility may also have occurred. Severe deformity of the foot may also make it almost impossible for the patient to fit the affected foot into a shoe. The condition may be in either foot or in both. In addition, there may be a crackling sound in the joint when it moves. Diagnosis of a bunion is based on a physical examination , a detailed history of the patient's symptoms and their development over time, and x rays to determine the degree of deformity. Other foot disorders such as gout must be ruled out. The patient history should include factors that increase the pain, the patient's level of physical activity, occupation, amount of time spent on his or her feet, the type of shoe most frequently worn, other health conditions such as diabetes that can affect the body's ability to heal, a thorough medication history, including home remedies, and any allergies to food, medications, or environmental aspects. The physical exam should include an assessment while standing and walking to judge the degree to which stability and gait have been affected, as well as an assessment while seated or lying down to measure range of motion and anatomical integrity. An examination of the foot itself will check for the presence of unusual calluses, which indicate abnormal patterns of friction. Circulation in the affected foot will be noted by checking the skin color and temperature. A neurological assessment will also be conducted.

Conservative measures are usually the first line of treatment and target dealing with the acute phase of the condition, as well as attempting to stop the progression of the condition to a more serious form. Measures may include:

If these measures prove unsuccessful, or if the condition has worsened to significant foot deformity and altered gait, then a bunionectomy is considered. The doctor may use the term hallux valgus when referring to the bunion. Hallux means big toe and valgus means bent outward. In discussing the surgical option, it is important for the patient to clearly understand the degree of improvement that is realistic following surgery.

X rays to determine the exact angle of displacement of the big toe and potential involvement of the second toe will be taken. The angles of the two toes in relation to each other will be noted to determine the severity of the condition. Studies in both a standing as well as a seated or lying down position will be considered. These will guide the surgeon at the time of the surgery as well. In addition, blood tests, an EKG, and a chest x-ray will most likely be ordered to be sure that no other medical condition has gone undiagnosed that could affect the success of the surgery and the patient's recovery.


Recovery from a bunionectomy takes place both at the surgical center as well as in the patient's home. Immediate post-surgical care is provided in the surgical recovery area. The patient's foot will be monitored for bleeding and excessive swelling; some swelling is considered normal. The patient will need to stay for a few hours in the recovery area before being discharged. This allows time for the anesthesia to wear off. The patient will be monitored for nausea and vomiting, potential aftereffects of the anesthesia, and will be given something light to eat, such as crackers and juice or ginger ale, to see how the food is tolerated. Hospital policy usually requires that the patient have someone drive them home, as there is a safety concern after having undergone anesthesia. In addition, the patient will most likely be on pain medication that could cause drowsiness and impaired thinking.

It is important to contact the surgeon if any of the following occur after discharge from the surgical center:

While the patient can expect to return to normal activities within six to eight weeks after the surgery, the foot is at increased risk for swelling for several months. When the patient can expect to bear weight on the operated foot will depend on the extent of the surgery. The milder the deformity, the less tissue is removed and the sooner the return to normal activity level. During the sixto-eight-week recovery period, a special shoe, boot, or cast may be worn to accommodate the surgical bandage and to help provide stability to the foot.


All surgical procedures involve some degree of risk. The most likely problems to occur in a bunionectomy are infection, pain, nerve damage to the operated foot, and the possibility that the bunion will recur. Sharing all pertinent past and present medical history with the surgical team helps to lower the chance of a complication. In addition to the risk of the surgery itself, anesthesia also has risks. It is important to share with the anesthesia team the list of all the vitamins, herbs, and supplements, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications that the patient is taking.

Normal results

The expected result will depend on the degree of deformity that has occurred prior to surgery, the patient's medical condition and age, and the adherence to the recovery regimen prescribed. Some degree of swelling in the foot is normal for up to six months after the surgery. Once wound healing has taken place, the surgeon may recommend exercises or physical therapy to improve foot strength and range of motion. It is important to be realistic about the possible results before consenting to the surgery. Since over-pronation of the foot is not corrected with the surgery, orthotics to help keep the foot/feet in alignment are usually prescribed.

Morbidity and mortality rates

According to the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, less than 10% of patients undergoing bunionectomy experience complications, and 85–90% of patients feel the surgery was successful.


It may be possible to avoid surgery by preventing bunion growth from worsening. Wearing shoes that are the right size and shape is a key factor. Try on new shoes in the afternoon when the foot is more tired and perhaps has some fluid buildup. Rather than going by size alone, make sure the shoe fits well, and that there is proper arch support. Additionally, there should be enough space in the toe box for the toes to wiggle around.

If diagnosed early, an injection of a steroidal anti-inflammatory medication around the joint may be enough to decrease the irritation in the area and allow the joint to recuperate. This, along with proper shoes, may halt progression of the condition. If there is no pain accompanying the bunion, surgery is not necessary. Some people find that a cream containing the same ingredient as found in chili peppers, capsaicin, applied locally to the joint can decrease the pain. However, once deformity and its accompanying severe pain has occurred, it is unlikely that surgery can be avoided.



Barker, L. Randol, John R. Burton, and Phillip D. Zieve, eds. Principles of Ambulatory Medicine. 5th edition. Baltimore: William & Wilkins, 1999.

Skinner, Harry B. Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics. Appleton & Lange, 2000.


American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society. 2517 Eastlake Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98102. http://www.aofas.org . American Podiatric Medical Association. http://www.apma.com .

Esther Csapo Rastegari, RN, BSN, EdM


Bunionectomies are performed by orthopedic surgeons, podiatric surgeons, and general surgeons. In selecting a surgeon, it is best to consider those who perform at least 20 bunionectomies each year. Most bunionectomies are performed as same-day, or ambulatory, surgery, in which the patient goes home the same day of the procedure. Sometimes a patient's condition may warrant staying overnight in the hospital.


User Contributions:

Tracy Tersigni
This arcticle was very informative for me. I would also like to view some before and after photos, and/or actual surgery procedures. Thank You, Tracy Tersigni
Maureen Reed
How can I find out the surgical backgound on the surgeon or podiatrist? For instance history of law suits?

What will I receive for pain medication? How painfull is the surgery?
I just had a bunionectomy procedure on my right foot two weeks ago. My Dr. is only doing one foot at a time so they can heal properly. I have a plate and screws in my foot and one of them is coming lose. He said that if the plate moves, then he will have to go back in and reposition it.

This occured beause I put weight on it too early. The Dr. was not clear that I needed to remain on crutches for four weeks. I am concerned that I will have to have the procedure again and that it will prolong my recovery and keep me from doing the second foot. Since the screw is loose, won't he have to tighten it anyway? Won't he have to take out the plate eventually?

I am really confused and daunted by all this. I just want to get this pver with so I can get the other foot done befor the school year starts in September ( a little more than a month away). ANy questions you can answer would be very helpful.
mary miller
this article was very helpful. i had a bunionectemy 5 weeks ago. and im going to get my left foot done in a couple of weeks. im glad i looked this up every question i had was answered and very clearly. thankyou.
I had a bunionectomy (Juvara type) with a proximal osteotomy four weeks ago. I am not weight-bearing, and have been in a hard cast for 2 weeks. What specifically should I DO and NOT DO during the time the osteotomy is healing so that the bone heals correctly? I am not taking showers/bathing; not leaving the house; using crutches/a wheeled walker to get about the house; trying not to wiggle my toes. Should I be sitting still as much as possible and not moving about the house until the cast comes off (in 4 weeks)?
How soon after surgery can I travel? My Dr. told me that I will have a pin in foot, for life. He also said he will do only 1 foot at a time. Am planning a vacation to another country and would like to see friends once more. Can I take a plane 13 days after surgery (12 hour flight)? Do I need to visit a doctor in other country while I am there? Not much more was mentioned by this doctor. I have a lot of questions about length of recover and my travelling. What should I be aware of when travelling or preparation should I take following surge?y
This was very helpful. Good detail, and sounds like much I have been told before, only better.
Just had surgery on April 24. Had a moderate-sized bunion. All was going well. Received glowing report son my "fast healing" and bone looked "beautiful" etc. Subsequently, the pins were going to be removed one week early. I was thrilled. The scar was healing nicely and I was walking better each day. The day of the pin removal the doctor noticed one of the pins was slightly bent. Well, trying to remove the bent one, a piece broke off. What would have been a 45 min procedure with about 4-5 stitches turned into an almost 3-hour procedure with 2 brand new incisions and 22 stitches, searching for the pin piece. Now I feel like I am starting from day one. The pain is awful. I hope I heal well and quickly because this now seems like a long, drawn out deal.
Tank goodness for family, friends and a great boss!
I had the procedure done 3 weeks ago. I really didnt consider the pain and the limitations i would have. I really didnt receive any pain til almost a week after surgery then it was severe, Now its been three weeks and its still bad at times. Cant walk on it, and have school startin soon. The doctor said after 5 weeks if its healing good maybe i could get the pin out soon or get a walking cast but now hes acting as if he never said that. Be sure to ask plenty of questions and make sure the doctor is being honest. also consider you cant drive or walk or depend on your self for a long time. in some cases even longer then the 6 weeks!
It is one week since my surgery, but I also had a Morton's Neuroma removed on each foot so walking is especially hard. There is pain on the foot with the bunionectomy but Im really trying to stay off of it. I think they expect me back at work in a week or so but I have my doubts. What I wanted to mention about my surgery is that my doctor said he put in a pin that is more like a screw and that it is not removed but disintigrates over time. Anyone here of that? I've had this surgery on my other foot and removing the pin was awful!
I had a bunionectomy (severe) with osteotomy on my left foot 6 weeks ago. I am 44 years old and it was my first surgery ever!! The bunionectomy included a plate & screw that are permanent. I was in a hard brace to my knee for the first 6 weeks and have just transitioned into a post op "shoe". The surgery was a breeze as well as the first 5 weeks of recovery. However, since the "transition" (2 days ago) I have been experiencing constant sharp pain in my big toe. Im wondering if this pain is due to an issue with the hardware and if I should contact my surgeon regarding the pain. My next follow up appt isn't for another 8 days. Dont know if I can deal with the pain that long. Other than this pain issue, I am very pleased with the results and can't wait to have the other foot done!!!
I had a bunionectomy on my left foot nearly a year ago. Worst thing ive ever done. The bunion hurt before the surgery but nowhere near as bad as it hurts now. My bunion was pretty large i am 20 and had it since i was 9 i have orthopedic inserts since i was 9 as well. Surgery went well healed great no infection after i was able to walk on it again I had the hardware (2 screws) taken out so now I have one long scar and two small ones that make my foot look like frankenstein. I have a bunion on the other foot as well, but after what I've went through with the first foot i will never have the other removed. Over a year and still going to the doctor every month because it hurts. Not a good surgery, not a good experience, not recommended! I knew the risks and complications and thought everything would go well and my pain would go away but the surgery simply made it worse. Try other treatments first and surgery only as a last resort!
I had the surgery on Nov 16th. Great experience. Ya I had pain the first few days. I kept ice on it the first 2 days as directed and elevated. I only put weight on it to go bathroom and didn't over-do it. I'm doing great and am excited to get back to work! I work on my feet all day on concrete and couldn't handle the pain of the bunion any longer. I have no pain anymore and am getting around to stores and bumming!
Had Bunionectomy done sometime ago. When I returned to office for weekly ck-up Dr. informed me that he couldn't find the tendon on top of foot when he was ready to close the incision. To make a long story short he said tendon had broken during surgery. How common is such an incident? I believe the tendon was cut during surgery. It was not broken before surgery.What should I do? He did repair it but now I seem to have a permanent deformity.
My toe osteotomy was 1 week ago. The bunion -looking big bump was higher up rather than on the side, like pictures I've seen of a bunion. I have 2 rods 2 screws and had to have a re-break of the (big) toe. I'd like to mention that I broke this toe a couple of yrs. ago, ramming it into the bathroom door in the middle of the night in the winter and the furnace was set at low temp to save on the gas bill. Didn't know that the door was closed, as it's usually open when someone leaves the room. Yet I was in a hurry to "go" and get back under the mound of blankets where it was warm. The toe turned dark colors and had loss of the nail. I knew that I had broken it in one or two places with the force of running down the hall and into that door. (Just to add to this, I have a "regular" bunion on the side of the other foot which I'l deal with later, as this other foot was in worse condition and difficult to wear a shoe that didn't rub on the top. Dress shoes were out of the question because the large "bump" was there sticking out up high. My question is this: Yesterday I began gingerly "walking" on the side of that foot a few times. Is this acceptable or could this throw out alignment of the hardware that was "installed"? I'm not certain if I had one or two re-breaks in surgery. My next post op. appt. is in 3 days. I'm not walking like this constantly, - just a couple of times yesterday, and the same today. I hope that I didn't ruin alignment. My 1st post op. appt. went very well as my Dr. said he was quite pleased. Please address a scenario such as this one, if you would.
I have bunions on both feet ever since I can remember. I recently went to a specialist, and was told it's not neccesary, but can be done. I am hesitant to get the procedure done, but the pain has gotten worse. My Dr. says the screws will be perminent, which I'm not happy with. I am now looking to get a second opinion. I am very active physically at home and at work. Does anyone have any positive things to say about this procedure, as far as the aftermath? Keep in mind I do alot of jogging, hiking, biking, and at work I am an order selector, meaning I'm on my feet all the time and moving around alot. Thanks.
I had a bunionectomy and a little toe shortened which ha pin inserted.
Five weeks on I can only put weight on it for ten miutes at a time as
becomes severe. I am still on painkillers every four hours.
I am due to see the surgeon on 5th July by which time I hope not to
be in pain. I am a very active person and find it very frustrating
to be limited to what I can do. Warning to all women 'Wear sensible shoes'
or suffer in later life. Fashion is not worth it.
I had a bunionectomy and a little toe shortened which ha pin inserted.
Five weeks on I can only put weight on it for ten miutes at a time as
becomes severe. I am still on painkillers every four hours.
I am due to see the surgeon on 5th July by which time I hope not to
be in pain. I am a very active person and find it very frustrating
to be limited to what I can do. Warning to all women 'Wear sensible shoes'
or suffer in later life. Fashion is not worth it.
I had a bunionectomy in 2001. A permanent plastic screw was inserted in my foot. I had to wear a boot and walk with crutches for 6 wks. I was not able to put pressure on my foot at all. The podiatrist stated my bone would break if it did. I did not, and I fell a couple times, but so glad I listened to the Dr. I worked at a job where I was on my feet all day. I was out of work for 3 mos. A very painful experience, but well worth it. In Jan. 2011 I am having my other foot done.
This new podiatrist (I moved out of state), will do the same type of surgery, but will put 3 screws in. This will keep me off my foot for only 4 wks. My bunions are hereditary. It's from your feet leaning inward as you walk. Orthopedic inserts are a must even after surgery.
I had a bunionectomy 12 weeks ago!! I had no pain afterward EVER. They said stay ahead of the pain and they used something during surgery that would keep my foot numb for two days. The pin removal went smoothly and except for a little stiffness, the whole thing was great. I rested like they said and followed orders. Dr Toney was fabulous and he came well recommended. I would not have used him had I not seen his work and the people's progress. That's key.
i am having my right bunectomy done on friday 10/22 and am very nervous have heard good things and bad dont know what to expect!!
I had a bunionectomy 1 week and 2 days ago. The most pain I had was the day after surgery when my bandage was too tight due to swelling. The nurse rewrapped my foot, and by Sunday I was off prescription pain meds. After one week I'm able to be up for 10 min. per hour with a walking boot cast. I have a dissolvable pin in my foot. My recovery has been way better than I expected. I have an awesome podiatrist, Dr. Mozena, and an AWESOME God that hears our prayers for no pain.
how do you find out about the surgeon who does this surgery?
I had bunionectomys done on both feet in 1980 and four years after that one of the screws had to be removed because it moved and was causing pain. All has been fine but for the last few months I have had discomfort in my heel and it hurts to put pressure on it as I walk. This is the foot which the screw is still in so my question is, is it possible for the screw to have moved down to my heel or in the arch of my foot? I can feel a slight lump in the arch of my foot but the pain is in my heel. I thought maybe it might be a heel spur until I felt that lump which feels like a screw. Thank you for your help.
Hi all, I had mine done a couple of years ago and I do not like the outcome of it because when i go to wear shoes it gives me some type of indent in the big toe area and the long scar is now a keloid and I can only wear thong sandals (when the big to goes in the sling) I want to get the other one done and know that there is a new procedure out there where the healing time is less and the pain is not that bad. I had the one where they blocked off circulation from the ankle and a mild anesthesia i had the ultimate pain before getting them done and now the one that is not done is giving me the most pain so I am taking things into consideration now.
This message is for Kimberly who posted on Dec 14, 2009. May I ask what doctor did your surgery and where is he located?
I had a bunionectomy done 18 days ago. They put me in a cast just below the knee. Since I have a cast on I can't tell what is going on inside the cast. I feel the cast rub acrossed the stitches and I am having shooting pains going right to the old bunion area in which it makes me tighten or jolt my foot backwards. Should I be concerned? It really hurts and I am really miserable at night I have a hard time sleeping. I am non-bearing and keeping it elevated but the other day it hurt to have it elevated so I kept it down for most of the day is this going to be a problem later? Please somebody is this normal?
I had a bunionectomy two weeks ago and had the staples removed today. There was a screw put in my foot as well. So far, I have had minimal pain and discomfort. My physician says it looks good and seems to be healing on schedule. I can even start driving but not too much. I am still not wearing regular shoes and won't be going back to work for a couple of weeks. I am pleased with the results so far and this article also helped...I read it before I decided to seek professional help. My doctor was very informative and patient with me.
I am scheduled to have a bunionectomy in March 2011. My doctor has no before and after pics or testimonials on how the surgery went with other patients. The incision he will be making will be on the top of the toe. Is that the normal place??? I have been considering doing both feel at the same time; however I am still researching the pros and cons. I am 64 yrs.young and retired so behaving myself should be fairly easy. Any comments or suggestions.
I had bunion surgery 1 month ago and am still unable to be vertical - the pressure on my foot is unbearable when I stand up. Is this normal? I keep it upright at all times. I have 4 screws in foot. Very long recovery time with minimal improvement. No weight bearing for 6 wks., but doubt if i will be able to put weight on it then. Am hoping the next 2 weeks are the turnaround weeks. As of now I will not do other foot.
My Bunionectomy was 15 to 20 years ago, there was metal put in my foot, generally, what kind of metals did most surgions put in feet that long ago. Should I be careful of problems if I have to have an MRI? Hopefully this is not a silly question.\

Thanking you in advance.
I had my bunion surgery on 3/4. I am 63 years young and retired. My doctor is cheif of podiatry at his hospital. He did a bunionectomy on my left foot a few years ago and it went well. I left the hospital with a bandanged foot, a surgical shoe, and a foam cushion to elevate my foot. I was prescribed Vicodin for pain as needed. I am able to walk to the bathroom and to the kitchen if necessary. But was told to keep my foot iced and elevated as much as possible following surgery. I visited his office 3 days after the surgery for xrays and a change of bandages. My doctor told me that could start to shower again, but to continue to wear my surgical shoe when walking, and to keep my foot elevated as much as possible. He also told me to start to move my toe gently for flexability. My next appt is 3/28. He says if the healing continues to go well, I may be able to start wearing a running shoe at that time. Last time he recommended New Balance and Aesics. Although I am still in a little pain, I have not taken a pain pill for a couple of days. I was mostly taking them to sleep at night. My only concern is that my incision still has a bloody discharge. Not alot, but enough that I have to wet the bandage in order to remove it easily. Hope that my comments were helpful to someone.
I had surgery Wednesday, March 16th, 2011. It was recommended that I do surgery one foot at a time. I am grateful for that. I did not realize the pain and the interruption the surgery would have on my life. Not only could I not take the pain medication because I realized that I was suffering with 7 of the nine side effects. I bleed the moment I left the hospital and have not had a good night's sleep. I honestly thought it would be a fairly simple surgery, but boy was it a surprise. My foot is so swollen that it feels like it is ready to explode. I will definitely not be doing the other foot. I will never put myself through this agony or pain. And work? When am I suppose to go back. It was not made clear to me that I would need this much time off. I am very disappointed! My advise, look for alternatives.
I had a bunionectomy 5 weeks ago on my right foot. The bunion was pretty severe at ~36 degrees (~11 degrees is normal). I'm 37 and in good health. At the same time, the second and third toes were shortened and the fourth toe had the tendon "released". My surgery lasted ~4 hours and I stayed overnight due to the extensive procedure. I had a self dosing percocet hook up and made sure I started my oxycodone before the anasthia wore off. I left the hospital in a splint and stayed on pain meds for 3 days and an antibiotic for 5 days. Kept my foot elevated and iced for two weeks. I got a hard cast at week 3 and will wear it for a month. After that, I'll get a walking boot and begin to bear weight slowly. I'll do ~3 weeks in the boot and then some physical therapy to correct my gait and strengthen the foot. I should be in a sneaker by May (total time ~ 2.5 months). The foot will not be completely healed until the 6 month. Swelling will continue for a few months. I have not had ANY pain with this surgery. I don't know how anyone could suggest to have this done on both feet at the same time. You really need at least one healthy foot to do simple things like getting up out of a chair, using the restroom and such. My doctor suggests waiting one year before doing the other foot. If you want to see some pictures and my blog send me an email. (This site won't let me post a link).
I had a bunionectomy procedure on December 14, 2010. I chose to have it performed on both feet at the same time. Well, actually my husband helped me make this decision and I am now so glad that he did because I'm afraid I would never have gone through this a second time. Yes, the recovery from the surgery was much more than I was expecting. I had not done any research on this...only talked with one person I worked with who had just had the surgery on one foot and had his second foot done two days after mine. My incisions are on the sides of my feet and his were on the top. I have not heard anyone else who had their incisions on the side. This has not caused me any problems but am just curious to find someone else who had the same incision.

I was able to put weight on my feet the day I came home from the surgery by using a walker and returned to work full time (office work with minimal to moderate walking)5 days after surgery.

The main problem I am having now is finding shoes that fit and that are comfortable. The doc inserted a screw in each big toe that will disintegrate in time making my big toes not very mobile right now. I also have a problem with flat feet which need arch support. I bought some expensive shoes recommended by someone who sells orthopoedic shoes, but after wearing them a few hours, they are just too confining across the top of my feet which causes this part of my feet to swell. Can anyone give me any ideas in the shoe area?

From what I have read, I am learning that these surgeries could take as long as 6 months to 1 year to recover so I am hoping that in another 3 months, my feet will be in better shape. I still have quite a bit of numbness in the surgical area. Also, my big toe on one foot has straightened out good, but the other is pulling back over. On my last post-op visit, my surgeon just told me to wear my splints for 2 more weeks, which made me wear them a total of 7 weeks, but that didn't make a difference to the one toe.

With all of the said and done, I still would recommend having this surgery done in both feet at the same time, if needed and if you have someone you can really count on to help you 24 hours a day for the first week.
I am contemplating surgery after getting diagnoses from several doctors. Today will
probably be the deciding day. I do not want to go through all of this, surgery and a long
recovery, and have the condition reappear within a few years again. I wish I could get
information from patients who have had the surgery and are now 5 years out, and see if
they think the whole "nightmare" was really worth the pain and suffering of surgery.
I had the procedure 5 weeks ago. I have been walking with my "moon boot" since week #1. As of today, I am walking without any bandage, boot or pain. Healing beautifully! I love my Doc and his staff. Roseville ,CA.
I had the procedure 5 weeks ago. I have been walking with my "moon boot" since week #1. As of today, I am walking without any bandage, boot or pain. Healing beautifully! I love my Doc and his staff. Roseville ,CA.
Procedures and recovery times have come a long way!!! I only use 1 pain pill. Ready for summer shoes and sandals. PS i'm 54, this was a peice of cake. OK the first 3 weeks of limited activity was not fun. I love to keep in shape. Now I have to work DDBL time to get my tone back. Worthit though!
I had surgery done on one foot 12 years ago and it has not come back. It was well worth it and I'm thinking about getting the other foot done now because it's causing me a lot of pain. Just not sure about the recovery time as I have 2 little ones.
I am now 4.5 months out and doing PT, my strength is back as well as some of my flexibility. I can't stress how important it is to get a surgeon/hospital with a great track record. I live in Boston and went to Mass General Hospital - their orthopedic department is one of the best in the country. Dr. Robert Scardina was my surgeon.

If you do have the surgery, be sure to stay continuously medicated - esp when going from hospital to home. Don't let the pain meds wear off. If you have a good doctor, your pain can be minimal to none, but FYI, the bunionectomy is a surgery they test new pain meds on. I had no pain and am thankful!

Do your homework on the doctor - if you have a big correction, don't pick someone who says they'll have you on your feet ASAP. I was horizontal for 2 weeks (except to get up to eat or go to the restroom) and non-weight bearing for 12 weeks. My doctor said that walking on it too soon is a big reason that bunions will return.
I had a bunionectomy procedure on my right foot also two weeks ago. I am one of those unfortunate in the 10% to have complications. I can't even put my foot flat on the floor for an xray. I also can't lift up my foot at the ankle. I have no movement and still can't feel my toes. I start physical therapy and electric stimulation treatments and they are hoping I get movement back to move my foot. I have been in tremendous pain. I am suppose to get my other foot done once this one is all healed up. I did the worse of the two first and I did it because I was in pain. I will NEVER get my left foot done no matter how painful it gets and I'm only 39 now. I am glad for the 85 to 90% that have a good outcome, but I will not take another chance for my other foot.
I had a bunionectomy 7 weeks ago with a subsequent infection around 5 weeks. According to Xrays and catscans, there is no evidence of bone callus or healing and at 6 weeks I was put in a caste up to the knee for four weeks.

What is the likelihood that the caste will allow the bone to heal at this point in time? How long does it take for the slowest healer to develop evidence of a callus or healing of the bones? What are my options if there is no evidence of healing TEN WEEKS after surgery?

Thanks for your response/feedback!
My Dr has recommended a bunionectomy with implant (silastic), what can you share about recovery time, complications, success rate with this type of procedure.

most appreciative.

My bunionectomy was 3 weeks ago. Needed crutches for 3 days. Never any real pain. Still walking with a 'boot' and can drive but best to wait just in case I had to mash down on the brakes. Modern surgical techniques and an experienced Dr. make a big difference today. Three titanium screws will stay forever but the site is almost cleared up. Note that I did not have any pain at the bunion site because I wear custon orthotics for my flat feet but I decided on surgery now ( I am 70) when the recovery is easier.
I had a bunionectomy in 1989 and it has went well all these years, but this year I had a lot of problems with swelling and pain between my big toe and second toe in the foot area. I worked for a doctor whom told me of a condition you could possible get in later years where the large toe starts to grow out from the second toe, although I cant remember the name he gave it I'm worried this might be happening to me. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?
I will be having bunionectomy surgery on wednesday august 03,2011 and I'm a little scared, but I know god will see me through this surgery,and also I have faith in my doctor, she will do a wonderful job,my other surgery take place on thursday august 11,2011. My husband will take good care of me,I hope for a fast recovery.
I'm having foot surgery in the morning and I pray everyrhing goes well,and I trust my doctor, I sure she will do an excellent job.
I had a bunionectomy 7 weeks ago. I still have swelling in the great toe and the the
bottom of the foot under the big toe. My biggest complaint is that when I stand up my foot turns red and when I take a shower, it turns dark red or purple up to my ankle.I still use a shower chair. The color goes back to normal when I elevate the foot. Is this normal? It has me concerned. If it is normal how long before it goes back to normal? I am supposed to get the other foot done, but after this I am not sure I want to.
Five days ago, I had a bunion removed and a taylor bunion removed( by cutting the lower bone and reconnecting it). At the same time, I also had work on a hammer toe on the same foot with pins put in. I also have 3 screws for the bunionectomies. I have a lot of swelling of my large and second toe and it is extremely uncomfortable. I also have a lot of back and blue on my ankle and surrounding area. could my bandages be too tight?? I feel constant pressure as if I have a vice on my foot. Also, my toes turn purplish whenever my foot is not elevated (only to use the bathroom, get food etc.) I ice a lot and have kept the foot elevated. Any thoughts? I do not have a post op appt. until 2 more days.
Bunionectomy is really a great solution for remove bunion. it is safe and secure.
I had a bunionectomy on my left foot in 1999 and had no pain whatsoever. I missed maybe a week of work and I was back walking 2 or 3 miles a day within 2 weeks--the only inconvenience I remember at all was not being able to wear normal shoes for at least 4 months, maybe longer. Tennis shoes completed my work outfit all that time. Looking now at my 99 y/o mother's bunions, which are the worse I have ever seen, makes me VERY glad that I did the surgery then.
having bunion surgery and want to know why some doctors do it without screws and plates and others use them. Also with hammertoes, some use pins some don't. Is it how bad your condition is or can it be done without screws and pins in severe cases as well?
I had a chevron bunionectomy with screw fixation 5 weeks ago with minimal pain and hardly any swelling. For those that are weeks and months post op have you noticed if you have a slight bump where the bunion used to be? I'm wondering if this is still swelling or the bunion was not completely removed. It feels hard like bone. Anyone else noticed something like that? I would hate to have gone through all this and have the bunion return.
I need some advice. After 7 weeks of a R foot bunionectomy, I have a wound, pain, redness and warmth around the area. Doctor is sending me to the wound and healing center but I don't see any improvement. I am thinking that my body is rejecting the metal screw left to fix the bone. Any idea? Could it be that the incision does not want to heal because the body does not accept the foreing body? I also have Inmune system issues (lupus - tissue inflamation).
I had a Left bunionectomy today. So glad I didn't read all of your posts before surgery or I would have been really scared.
In my case...no pain yet. So far so good
One time is not like another. Three years ago I had bunionectomy on left foot and had bandages and a walking shoe. I walked out of the surgical center and did not need any pain medication when I got home. I was able to get around using crutches and was told to walk on my foot as much as I could bear it. Recovery when really well. Dec 19th I had bunionectomy on my right foot. One surgery is not like another. I woke up from the surgery with a cast on my right foot from just below my knee to just above my toes because the bone cracked while the screw was being inserted. Yesterday, the doctor took x-rays and all looks well, but he still does not want me to bear any weight on my foot. Luckily I don't have any pain, but the problem is that my left leg, which has been bearing all the weight is starting to feel really sore and I am worried about the knee. Next week at three weeks post-op my doctor says he the cast will be removed and I should be able to start weight bearing and walking using a walking boot.
Had L bunionectomy April 17, 2011 w/screw - procedure went well, was heavily medicated for days! They gave about 5 nerve blocks in the procedure & one while in recovery; out of work 4weeks while non-weight bearing on foot, used crutches & had surgical shoe & ace bandage; bagged foot when showered, sometimes a bath was easier - had help from friends with food prep - had to get around in kitchen for food alone, was tiering & difficult daily ;-) but did what had to be done.
went back to work too soon, could have stayed out longer than 4 weeks - when foot elevated at work desk it wasn't the best ergonomically with knee bent etc caused swelling, pain & discomfort in knee too; did PT for 2x3 which helped then started walking & eventually joined gym in late August 2011 & was doing bike, walking & 1-2 laps jogging & felt great;
Had R bunionectomy on Dec 8th- have had more help from family & friends & able to keep foot elevated in more compliant way - pain different than L foot post surgery & foot more bruised which doesn't show till about 1wk to 10 days post op, bruising from toes to ankle area with tenderness. Toes throb & still pain in foot after 4 weeks, but feel the foot will be fine this is just normal healing process. Good surgeon is important & don't be afraid to ask questions, doctors are human too not God. I will be out of work longer for R foot, it is so very important for the bones to heal correctly these are your feet which thru all this I have learnt HOW so important feet are! to walk, have balance etc & do not want to mess that up in any way- I am very glad & thankful I did both feet & I am looking foreward to no pain in both feet now for walking, running & enjoying my life pain free!!! great experience, just do your homework & follow peace in your heart/gutt before doing procedure & have peace with the right doctor - ask questions of the doctor till you are satisfied & have peace in their ability too... best wishes to all who decide on future bunionectomy's! ;-)
I had R Bunionectomy June 2009 and had one pin and was back to work in 10 weeks but noticed the R big toe has a small protrusion still. Then I decided my L bunion removed and asked the doctor to straighten it more .
Post surgery ,I had Xray and morphine post op which I didn't have last time. I 've noticed that I had 2 pins when the stiches were removed .I guess my Ortho was concerned but said it looks fine .I'm in 11th week recovering doing my physio with no pain.Color is good but the front of my L big toe feels a bit numb and if I rub more, a bit tingly.I hope and pray that feeling will go away and be back to normal .Good luck to all who has bunions ,if it's not bad like pain don't have it remove just wear wide shoes .But it's great to wear
regular shoes with no pain after surgery.
I've had all the above and more, if you can find an alternative please explore I've had 11 surgeries trying to correct my problems in the last 8 years. I'm on pain killers that address the problem for short time. 99% of these Dr's won't give you pain killer, and wants your on them your SCREWD cause all you want is more. Look at cryosurgery, and other alternatives. My life sucks. Mike
I had bunion surgery almost 4 months ago. I thought by now it would be healed. But everytime i try to wear my heels (for only 20 mins) my foot swells up and i can barely walk on it. It's happened to me twice now, and its not as soon as I take the heals off, its a few hours later. All i do is put my heels on and try walking around the house to get used to them again. Is this normal?? I just wanna know if anyone else had this problem before i go see a doctor about it. Thanks
Hello. I had bunion surgery about three months ago and am still in extreme pain. The large toe no longer touches the ground. I can actually place an entire finger between the toe and the ground. Has anyone experienced this? This can't be normal. Every step I take is painful because the joint/ ball of the foot is now the weight baring area. Anyone have suggestions or similar issues?
Chelsey drapaka
Hi, I had a bunionectomy done on my right foot almost 5 years ago. I went home the next day and spent two weeks on crutches and six weeks on a walking cast. It was one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself. I still want to have the same procedure done on my left foot.
Foot Fettish
I feel so blessed after reading all of the above comments. I underwent a bunionectomy to my right foot exactly one week ago today and my foot feels fantastic. I did a lot of research because I'm a big sissy when it comes to pain and all I heard was horror stories about how bunion surgery was excruciatingly painful and the long recovery process. I accidentally found Dr. Moy who stated that his surgeries are 97% pain free. Being the skeptic that I am, I studied his website from top to bottom; Googled him; researched the Better Business Bureau; searched the website for any malpractice suits, and I only found one small thing that did not relate to his surgeries. I'm sitting here now writing this and I can HONESTLY say that the pain threshold the day of surgery and now is between a 0-1 on a scale of 1 to 10. I was walking the day of my surgery with a velcro boot and am now in a walking boot which looks like a ski boot. If there is ANYONE out there looking for what I was looking for - minimal pain and quick recovery, I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Moy. The procedure he does is similar to all those you read about, but it's his technique that surpasses what other doctors are doing. I'm not getting any money for praising his work, I'm just another person wanting to share what a great experience I went through in hopes that others can do the same. You really need to check him out. BTW - he takes PPO insurance and since I have an HMO, I did have to pay out of pocket and believe me it's the best money I ever spent!
I had a bunionectomy carried out just over a year ago and am regretting it. My foot is still pretty sore a lot of the time and it is still a bit swollen, to the extent that I can only get my foot into about four of my pre-op pairs of shoes and am very limited buying new footwear. I did not have that problem prior to the operation even though the bunion that was removed was fairly large. I have a similar bunion on my other foot but don't want to go through the operation again, although it has now left me with non-matching feet.
I had a bunionectomy done the 13th february on both feet. Right now i am painfree hope it stand the way. can wait to see the results
I also had the youngswick surgery about 3.5 months ago and have the big toe not touching the ground. The toe on hard surface is up 1 finger width, but on carpet only the upper joint is not touching. My pod says it will not come down, an over correction and says to try to see if I can do all of the normal things I like to do (hike, snowshoe, walks, bike) and come back in a month for reassessment. I can snowshoe with no pain, can hike up hill, down hill a little pain, but walking flat on cement hurts after a couple of miles, on softer surfaces such as dirt or blacktop not too bad. It depends on what type of shoe I wear, hiking boots seem to be fine, really flexible walking shoes hurt, Z1 Chaco sandles make me feel like I never had surgery, rocker bottom shoes feel pretty good too. I won't know until I do long hikes, 9-12 miles to see what that feels like and right now there's too much snow and I would have to work up to that distance, but I should be at 4-5 miles by March.
My pod mentioned that I may need a mortens extension to my orthotics to ease the pain on the big toe joint. Guess I need patience, it is getting less painful as I use my foot more.
June 2010 I had my big toe joint replaced with a Silastic joint. I would like to resume playing tennis again, at least 2x a week. Am I asking for trouble, considering that I may prematurely wear the joint out? I'm 72 years old and power walk daily for 30 minutes with no discomfort.
Hi...I had surgery on my # 2 Hammer toe. Surgery went great walked alone that day with my pain meds and the boot. All x-rays showed that it was healing fine. Stiches came out on the 2 week and got my driving shoe. The pin was to come out in a week when All of a sudden my foot swelled up, became extremely painful and had to go to Urgent Care. I had a bad infection so they pulled the pin out and put me on antibiotics. Still very painful on the top of my toe I can't even touch it,let alone wear a shoe. Is it just the luck of the draw that 5 days before I was to take the pin out my body rejects it..? How long will it take now to heal..? Will it be OK because now it sure doesn't feel lie it will.!! Is there something I can do besides lift my foot up on pillows and take Ibiprophen and antibiotics to help it heal faster.? It seemed like such an easy thing and then this happens..HELP PLEASE
I am 31 yr old, and a single mom to a 2 yr old. In a couple wks I am supposed to be going in for surgery on both my feet. The Dr. wants to remove both taylor bunions and possible put screws in my feet. After reading some of these stories, I am a bit scared. How do I find out how good my dr is? Am I going to be able to take care of a 2 yr old all by myself?
I had a bunion removed October 6 2011 and I still get pain in my foot which is the right foot.My big toe does not touch the floor and its very sensitive and the feeling in that toe on one side is not all there.It is very uncomfortable to me if I accidently rub something on that foot or touch my foot it feels like a lot of pins sticking me.I was going to therapy but they were not doing what my doctor requested and my insurance did not approve certain things.I just started getting laser treatment at my doctors office praying this will help.I'm sopose to get the left foot done but no longer a fan of that decision anymore.Any advice please share.Agape
I had a left lapidus bunionectomy done on april 13th. it was a threeo hour procedure. the doctor used a nerve blocker and I was put to sleep. surgery went fine. same day when I got home, I was in alot of pain. taking percocets every 4 hrs for 3 days. when I get up to use the bathroom or just to sit up it hurts so bad. it feels like the blood is flowing to my feet and when I lay down my chest gets very tingly to where I have many sleepless nights. after this experience I will not have my right foor done. I have crutches and a wheel chair but when I do use them its a horrible feeling of pain.
Sarah Barne
I had an austin's bunionectomy on my rt foot about a week -1/2 ago. Have pain mostly at night, but nothing too severe. Been the easiest surgery I have had in my life. My question is: how long do I have to wait from the first surgery to get the second surgery. I would like to get it over with ASAP. Then I can get moving onto other more important things in life. Does anyone know? Love to have an idea, so I can plan for it between now and when school starts up again. I'd like it sooner so I could enjoy more of the summer with two good feet.
I had my bunionectomy (Kalish) on 5/3/12, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They did a block on my foot, so light sleep for anestesia, which was great. I took pain meds for two days after the surgery, then didn't need them anymore. I am taking naproxen if my foot aches too much, but followed the Dr's instructions to the letter and am off the crutches, (one week no weight on foot 2nd week half my weight on foot with crutches). I am now only in the boot, cumbersome little booger that it is, and will be for another 4 weeks. At the end of the day, on my feet alot at work, I put my foot up and ice it. I couldn't wear any nice shoes, my foot hurt all the time. chronic. bone spurs, etc. Glad I did this and had a great Dr. and staff. The screws in my foot are permanenent, which is okay. Good luck to anyone thinking about this surgery. Do your homework and research. I did and no regrets. If you're thinking of doing this for appearance, I have a 6 inch scar on the top of my foot, that with proper care will fade, but it is a small price to pay for what I am going to be gaining.
T Mack
Robin, I had a bunionectomy nearly 10 years ago. About a year ago, I started having the same symptoms as you. I did go to a specialist. The doctor who performed the surgery advised me to take motrin and use those toe spacers. I then went to another specialist (same medical group). He informed me that nothing can be done and to think about being fitted with some special shoes. My second toe is now leaning against my first one. My late husband loved my "beautiful" feet. Well, my right one is no longer beautiful. I am in pain every day and the ball of my foot gets so sore that I can hardly walk. I am so glad to know that I'm not alone. What steps did you take to find out what was really wrong with your foot? PLEASE REPLY.
I had a chevron bunionectomy on both feet in March 2012. Swelling and pain in my left foot has gotten increasingly worse. Hurts to walk -swells from the ankle down and pain on the top of the foot. So not nice. The right foot is doing well. keep thinking this will get better. Sure hope so.
I had right bunionectomy plus 4 toes straightened on June 25th ( 3 weeks ago). I went with an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in foot and ankle surgery. I have two screws and a pin in my right great toe which are permanent. I have four pins placed in the other toes plus had ligaments cut d/t hammer toes. So far I have not had ANY pain .. very surprised.. supposed to get the pins out this week.. but today I fell.. and ended up putting weight on the ball of my right foot to keep from crashing into a table and the pain was psycho..I mean crazy.. it scared me because I have not ever experienced anything like that before.. after 10 min. the pain disappeared.. I took motrin and ice/ elevation.. pain went away but I am worried about long term problems.. supposed to get heel walking privileges this week.. have to go back to work in a month.. worried that something may have shifted or maybe it was related to having the four straightening pins in there?? I pray I didn't mess it up by falling.. we will see after the x ray this week..
I had a bunioectomy 11 months ago and all went fine with the surgery and the healing process. Approx. 3 weeks ago, I began having pain where the bunion was removed from. I am wondering what could be going on almost a year later.
I had an accident back in Sept were I fell down the stairs and popped the ankle, I had 6 screws and pins in the left ankle it took along time for swelling to go down months before I could get into a shoe once I did I noticed being a preschool teacher on my feet all day at night Id have to elevate the foot. I noticed that after that procedure I was concerned Ive always had bunions large ones but the foot since the fall had shifted the 2 nd toe to overlap onto the 3rd toe so it was hard to walk. I had to do something about it so I saw a foot specialist. In june 2102 I had surgery bunionectomy he also straightened out the foot as best he could due to the severe deformity a normal foot is at a 17degree angle mine was a 45 degree angle so my balance was thrown off too he also put 3 large screws across the toes to help hold them in place. Just to walk in a large deoartment store was a chore and Im not that old, Im 48yr , I had to be non weight bearing off the foot for 8 weeks total I just got the walking boot yesterday. Im feeling some pain in the heel and arch of the foot when I walk. hopefully thats normal? Im doing partial weight bearing and eventually outpatient PT. I also had a problem the night of surgery were they had to pull a pin out of the 2nd toe the color was greyish looking so the dr was concerned have ciculation problrmd if he didnt pull the pin the tip of the toe feels numb, could be just s side effect from surgery. I think the foot looks good, its still healing, I had so many stiches that they scabbing over looks like cuts someone mentioned they had there incisions on the side of the big toe I did too. I will be in the boot for 6 weeks so Im trying to walk alittle and sit walk and sit. It feels good to be up and around after being on the couch for 8 weeks. It can only get better from here! I still have a few weeks before school starts Im looking forward to going back to work, I also would just like to take a walk along the beach to at least say I went to the beach this summer! Thats my goal to be able to just walk along the wall at the beach to see the water I cant go on the sand or in the water ? but I'll take what I can get for now. I have to admit I was nervous knowing what was going to happen in surgery but Its the best thing I could of done. I will think about having the other bunion done in the future, For right now it may be big but its not hurting so I may leave it alone?
i am a little stressed because a am a 15 year old girl and a few years back when i hurded my foot the hospital took x rays and it showed that my big toe is busy growing skew somedays it hurts and other days it doesn't but my mom said the docter said that day they can only fix it when i am 18 and i dont understand it.
I had a bunionectomy 7 weeks ago and the removal of arthritic spurs on bunion toe and second toe. I have a metal plate with 4 screws and one long screw through the joint.

The aftermath of surgery is pain! I could not tolerate any pain medication and roughed it out with ibuprofen and ice.

I had to stay completely off of the foot for 6 weeks. I wore a boot, ace bandage and bandage.

I highly recommend a wheel chair.

The pain and swelling lasted up to the 5th week, but the pain came back as soon as I was able to walk on the foot with a

The pain in my foot now that I am walking in the boot is excruciating. It shoots up to me hip. My foot sometimes swells to my knee.

And toe spasms, I've had way too many with pain sending me to the moon.

No one is the same, but this is a very painful surgery.

I have to walk in the boot for a month. I'm hoping pain will be over by then.

I hope you have better luck than me with the pain pills
Just had a bunionectomy with a bone spur and cyst removed 1 week ago. Had severe pain the evening and overnight of the surgery. The first pain meds did not work the second pain meds tylenol with codeine did.I suggest a narcotic if you have this surgery.

I could not put any weight on my foot the first week and I kept it elevated no shower either. Today, first day of week #2 I had physical therapy and they say everything looks good. Pain is minimal don't need pain meds. I can walk on my heel and light weight bearing with crutches. Keeping foot elevated. Only allowed on my feet 20 minutes of an hour for the next few weeks. I also have a scooter that helps alot to get around. Do not suggest watching any little ones after this surgery. They move too quickly and you will be slow.
i will have a bunionectomy in a few days. Article was helpful in understanding the surgery. No two persons will experience the surgery same way. However, shared experiences are helpful in understanding the range of experiences.
I had an Austin-Youngswick bunionectomy on Jan. 16 2012, almost 10 months ago, on my right foot and I am still in recovery. Wishing I had never had this surgery. You are essentially bringing the ball of your foot back and making your foot smaller. It has been hell for my left leg(hip, knee, and ankle) and back walking this way. Don't get this surgery if you can help it. If you do get a good doctor. Like people on here have said, go to an orthopedic surgeon, one that works for a professional sports team, if you can. I went to a podiatrist and feel that he is to blame for my long recovery. He told me after the surgery that my bones were unusually hard and that when the bone was being cut that he went too far up. He tried to make a joke about it and then called it a "fancy surgery" because he had to fix it. Don't go to Dr. Edward Pozarny in Arlington, VA!!
By the way, I followed the post-op instructions and PT exercises to the T.
I had bilateral bunionectomy 2 days ago (Chevron procedure) at GRH Kitchener. I smile at the lack of information shared between doctor and patient. My case is the same. Right now I donot know if I have pins, screws or cement in my big toes:). My Percocet went from q 4 to q 6 to q8 and now 12 hrs after my last pill, I don't need it anymore. I can see blood stain on my right. It did not soak through and stopped the same night of the surgery (I might have leaned on the right more when I self transfered from my transfer chair to the toilet seat). Will keep you posted and thanks for sharing. My return appointment is in 3 weeks. My orthopedic surgeon did a clean job from what I can see. I went for general anesthesia (midazolam, fentanyl and sevoforan) and got ketorolac injection and Percocet by mouth post-op. I had zero nausea. I would rate the experience A (not A+ because I have bruises around my uvula from intubation but the soreness has improved).
christina magnante
I just want to let you know that I had a bunionectomy with pins in two of my toes on my left foot 4 years ago and am glad that I had it done.My bunions were heridtary and not caused by bad shoes.My surgery resulted from having a frozen ham dropped on my foot and breaking it.It did not heal right and as a result the bunion moved the second and third toes and I got a huge sore on my foot also.I am walking better now and will be going in and have the right one which will be a easier surgery.The cloth boot that that i had to wear was cumbersome at first because I had never worn one before and it took some getting used to.I finally did and it did not stop me from doing many things but with limitatations.I was off from work for three months to recuperate and it was not fun to say the least and I was in constant worry over infection because of the pins.I will say this that it was worth it for me to have the surgery done.
wife had bunionectomy three years ago now the titanium implant is wearing down the bone and it is moving any help
I am 16 going on 17 and I had my two bunions on my feet removed two summers ago. The surgery went great, my surgeon is a god, and I was walking on one of them comfortable in 2 days after the surgery! I healed so well! It will bruise badly but it is so worth it. Very recommended. No pain and its been two years ago.
Tracy lee
I had bunioectomy surgery Jan 18 th,2013 and I can honestly say that it has it's ups and downs. I am a hairstylist and have been a stylist for 24 years. I am pretty active (walking in my neighborhood) and not lazy at all. I have experienced numbness as I speak right over my incision. And at times a sharp pain shots through my incision area as well as my big toe. I am also having issues with a sheet or my comforter on my foot period. I'm having to sleep with my foot hanging out of the covers and that is not how I'm used to sleeping. My Dr informed me that some patients will suffer from sharp pains, numbness and a few other things and I told him I was having all those symptoms. My scar healed very well. I can wear a tennis shoe and a small heel so I can start to bend my big toe a little more. My big toe is still swollen but my Dr says that's normal sometimes it takes 6 months to a year to heal. I gained 7 pounds laying around with my foot elevated. I wasn't in a cast, I wore a boot. That boot was very heavy but I rather the boot than a cast:) I was in a research for my bunioectomy surgery. Hopefully this can help answer some of your questions. And yes I'm back at work and I'm walking again in my neighborhood and I lost those 7 pesky unwanted pounds.
I had a bunionectomy yesterday,I'm in a lot of pain which I expected.My bandage is full of blood and today is Sat. I don't know what they mean when they say an excessive amout of bleeding.How much is an excessive amount? The dr said to call him if Ihave a problem,but today is Sat.He's not in.Don't know what to do.Has anyone else ever had this problem?
I just had my fourth bunionectomy surgery on May 3, 4 weeks ago, and I am very disappointed in this surgery. I am totally miserable and my big toe is still laying on top of the second toe. I have a pin in the second toe from correction of a hammertoe and I am supposed to have the pin removed in 2 more days. I have a plate and a screw in the big toe. I have never had so much pain as I had post surgery from this. I would NEVER go through this again. If my toe were straight, I would be happy but it is almost the same as it was prior to this surgery. Think twice before putting yourself through this surgery is all I can say to anymore with a bunion or hammertoe.
I had a bunionectomy done 3 days ago on both feet. On my right foot a screw and on my left a screw and a small plate. I must say this has been good experience overall except that I'm in a lot of pain. Yes, I do drink my pain killers every 6 hours but it still is painfull. My doctor said that I must sit with my feet up during this 2 week period before seeing him again, so I am. Its just difficult for me as I can't go out to a restaurant sitting with my feet up. Look for anyone out there that's thinking maby I should do the one and then later the other I would say do both at the same time so you don't have to go through the pain again. I've never gone for an operation and felt very nervous before, I feel now that its worth it. Thanks for the artical, really helped me a lot! I will write a post in 6 weeks to tell you how I am recovering. Greetings from South-Africa
Judy Twenter
I am getting a second opinion tomorrow about getting bunion surgery. First of all my feet do NOT hurt, but you can tell what the future will bring. The doctor wrote out the degreees of-I don't remember what he called it-right 17 & 28 degrees, left foot only 14 degrees. He said a simple one stitch surgery would work fine for me since my feet aren't that bad. My fear is that this type of surgery won't last very long, but it certainly sounds better than what I read above. My hope is that the second doctor can clarify some of this for me and that he thinks this simple procedure will work. So my question is has anyone who is answering these questions ever heard of a simple one stitch surgery and how well it works? Thanks!!
I'm 19, and getting my hard cast off tomorrow after six weeks. I had the operation on my big toe on one foot. When I had my surgery the doctor initially thought I could go home that day but I was kept in over night to assist with pain and was put on a drip during that night. As bad as I found the pain the first two days I found I was feeling no pain by the end of the first week, although still not weight-bearing.
My doctor and physiotherapist encouraged as much weight bearing as possible and to keep moving my ankle and wiggling my toe. After the first week I didn't have to elevate unless I felt pain, or thought it was swelling from walking with the crutches.
At my two week post-op appointment I had the remaining stitches removed and the wound cleaned and re-dressed. The nurse seemed pleased with my recovery at that point.
By week four I was walking around indoors with no crutch and only using one crutch when going out and by week five I found crutches more of a hindrance than a help and have been walking around with no issues for two weeks now.
Tomorrow I'll have my x-ray to ensure the bone has set correctly and I'll speak to a physio about strengthening the muscles I've been neglecting these past weeks.
I found the recovery difficult enough for the first two weeks, especially because I was worried about re-opening the wound. But if this means a winter without getting aches in my bunion from the cold, it will have not been in vain! Best of luck to anyone considering the surgery. It's manageable and beneficial.
I had my bunionectomy on my right foot on June 13, 2013 and I am still healing. Unfortunately, I have had swelling since the surgery, numbness along the scar and I still cannot bend my big toe. My toes look like little sausages...lol... Like Tracy Lee, my foot is sensitive to the touch, I too have to hang my foot uncovered off the bed when I sleep. Will I be able to completely bend my big toe without physical therapy?
I strongly suggest a tight rope bunionectomy. No plates, or screws. A 'tight-rope' (think fishing line) keeps the big toe joints and metatarsal bone aligned long term. Two weeks post surgery, it's pretty good. My second toe is a little more involved and had to be shortened, and 'pinned' because my tendon had snapped, so it was actually dis-located. Although there is more pain with that, the pin was removed yesterday along with the stitches for both toes(2 wks post surgery). I am working back up to walking with one crutch after the trauma of removing the pin yesterday, and have a 'knee-scooter' to be able to travel longer distances. My Dr. had me sitting at home with my foot elevated above my heart 95% of the time for 2 wks following surgery- I followed this advice and can't emphasize enough to follow Dr. orders. If you cheat, the swelling can impact the brand new alignment in your toes!
Hi... I had a bunionectomy due to arthritis the end of October 2013. Its now April 3rd 2014 and I can only walk half an hour and still in so much pain. It swells and burns and goes an odd colour. Ive also had 2 infections in my toe. It was the worse thing I've had done and totally regret having the procedure
I HAD bunionectomy 3 weeks ago the pain the first 4 days was extream. just having no mobility was very difficult for me 2 of my toes had to be broken as well as a pin being placed and I have 4 screws 2 in each toe. I have not had the pin removed yet. it has been rough.
I am 4 weeks post-op with my right foot and had an Akin Austin Bunionectomy. It didn't take long, I had no pain after surgery. I have 4 pins in my foot that will be taken out this Friday at 5 weeks post-op and my left foot operated on the same day. I will sit around next week for one week, just because I only have one boot and am not supposed to walk yet without anything supporting my right foot, and my left foot needs that boot. I must say that they gave me a boot after surgery and said that i can walk as long as my foot's in the boot. I probably only sat on the sofa for the first 2 days because I was thinking that I would have pain, but I didn't. So I have been walking, driving, doing stuff around the house and outside of the house, working, shopping, pretty normal activities. The only thing is that you don't feel pain, but you do feel the pins in there, so it helps to stay busy so you don't think about it! I'm excited about getting the pins out and beginning the next 6 weeks so I can get it over with. I'm excited about shoes now, because my feet won't look ugly and there are a lot of pretty shoes out that are orthotic, too. You don't have to look old or ugly just because you wear orthotic footwear, there are all kinds of styles and colors. I'm 53 years old, have this deformity in my family, and have waited years to get this done. Finally, we have met our deductible and I said, I'm doing it. I'm glad that I did.
I had the McBride bunion surgery in December 2013. It is Nov. 2014 and I still have pain (sometimes severe shooting pain) in my big toe as well as some numbness in the scar area. I returned to the dr. about 7 months after since it was still painful and he just said it sometimes takes a year or more to fully recover. The procedure and immediate recovery wasn't too bad, I expected to have pain for at least a few months. But almost a year later I didn't think I would still have such stiffness and pain in my toe joint. I think it hurt less having the bunion, not sure I would have done it if I had known...
I am 22 years old and I had bunion surgery on my right foot just 6 days ago. My pain was pretty much gone 3 days afterwards. Yesterday, I saw the doctor for my first post operative appointment and the doctor took x rays of my foot and changed my dressings. he said that I was healing really well and I would be able to bear weight and get my staples removed. I woke up the next morning after the appointment, my swelling had gone down and I was able to bear weight on my foot. I still have the staples in my foot so i am trying to take it easy still. I expected to be in bed for a few weeks or more and was really pleased that I have healed so fast
Thank you all for your postings It is clear that bunionectomies are a very individual experience and the outcomes can vary from total dissatisfaction to "glad I did it" experiences. Last winter I had bunion surgery on my right foot and followed post op directions as best I could.The angle of big toe deformity was 24 degrees.The cast came off after 4 weeks,titanium pin came out with minimal pain and orthopedic shoes helped me get around and do my work within 8 weeks of surgery. The scar and purplish swelling persisted for a few months afterwards but had returned to normal colour by August.I really did not need painkillers 5 days after operation.My advice to those with bunions on both feet is,..Do not have both feet done at once as you need one good strong foot to get around,You wont even be able to pull your pants on unaided if you do. One week ago I had the left foot done and I am progressing better than last winter. I think it is because I knew what to expect.I am 63 years old and put off the surgery for years because I was afraid of pain and missing work. Last years positive experience convinced me to get the other one done this winter. Winter surgery is best says my foot doctor as the cold weather helps alleviate the swelling. The hot and humid summers in this part of the world are not a good time to undergo this procedure.
Hi, I had bunions removed on both feet, one tendon repaired and other replaced and arches fused due to flat feet (25.02.2013) over two years ago! Worst thing I could ever have done😟 I still have a lot of pain in my feet and I can't walk properly let alone jog or run! When I have been sitting for a while and get up too walk, it takes a few steps for me too sort of walk properly! Going down stairs is also not so great, I have to go down stairs putting both feet on a step! I am unable too wear any other shoes than flat "aero soft" . I would really appreciate any advise or help regarding how I can get my feet to work properly again and how I can get rid of the pain! Is this normal to be suffering so long after surgery! It also looks like my left foot's arch has collapsed again as my feet are making sucking noises again! I am unable to go bare foot as this also hurts!
I had a scarf bunionectomy about eight weeks ago on the right foot and the doctor removed a bone spur and arthritis. I had the left foot done yesterday. The right foot has healed beautifully and the left foot is wrapped in a surgical shoe. I had no pain on either foot as the anesthesia takes about 2-3 days to wear off. The scarf is the most current surgery for bunions and it's a little more difficult for the doctor but great for the patient so I'm told. I'm extremely happy with my results so far. I will add that the worse the condition is, the tougher the surgery so don't let it get out of hand.
What's a better long-term bunionectomy option -- Austin bunionectomy (focuses on upper joint) or lapidus (realigns the whole line of joints)?
I appreciate all the comments from people years after the first type of bunionecomies saying they still have pain.
THe lapidus sounds like a safer long-term procedure to me, but I'm clueless. I know the recovery time is longer, but if it's better long-term, I'd prefer it.
My doc said I have a choice, and that usually young people (i.e. in their 20s) do the lapidus bunionectomy, even though the recovery time is longer. Thanks for any insight, particularly from people who had the surgery several years ago.
In my 5th week after lapidus surgery, doctor very pleased with everything. Said I can now put foot on floor and bend toes back,even start putting minimum pressure on foot. I new I couldn't put weight bearing however it feels like nerves along the outside of my foot and ball area is painful. Does anyone else experience this? I read alot of comments but no one mentions a nerve pain when minimal pressure applied.
I had my surgery on April 29th and it is tender to walk barefooted, it will take time for your nerves to wake up. I had a staple and screw place in my foot, it throbs at times but it still swells, red, and warm to the touch, I do go back to the doctor on the 30th of June which I hope that all will still be good. Going to ask if normal for the foot to be like this.
I had my surgery on April 29th and it is tender to walk barefooted, it will take time for your nerves to wake up. I had a staple and screw place in my foot, it throbs at times but it still swells, red, and warm to the touch, I do go back to the doctor on the 30th of June which I hope that all will still be good. Going to ask if normal for the foot to be like this.
I had my surgery Nine years ago. I still cannot walk barefoot. I can only wear well padded shoes - I am in constant pain. I have weighed only 125lbs my entire life. I'm 5'7". After surgery my doc gave me a cheap cardboard bottom flat walking wrap - not even a shoe. Others in his waiting room had nice cushioned boots. I had Good insurance too - Cigna. The most comfortable shoes for me now are thick cushioned flip-flops. I wish I'd never had the bunyonectimy - 9 years later I am in 150% more pain than before surgery. Please try physical therapy and orthopedic inserts first or only let an Orthopedic MD operate
Hi. Has anyone else expericed a burning feeling in the big toe. I had surgery almost 3 weeks ago but the last few days I have had this feeling. Thanks
I had a Scarf plus Akin osteotomy (bunion removal with big toe, tendons and ligaments realignment on 16 Sep 2016. Not terribly awful but not a breeze either. Had a few set backs, very little advice from my doctor whatsoever, which meant I have been doing a lot of research on the internet. Have recently complained and got an apology from him but that does not change the fact that he has failed me in the first place. Sadly, this is the state of the NHS (National Health Service) in England. I was operated on by a doctor who was working on rotation at various hospitals but under the supervision of my consultant. I had a very bad allergic reaction to the painkiller co-codamol that was given to me to control pain as it contains morphine ( it knocked me out but did nothing for the pain, leaving me with mouth ulcers, confused and with pounding headaches), the bandages were too tight and caused the leg and foot to go very warm and blueish. I had to rush to Accident and Emergency at another hospital to have the problem rectified and the medication changed. The hospital I had my surgery did not have and A&E department! Was given NO protocol to follow post-surgery but luckily for me I am a very inquisitive person so have been doing piles of research online, so can now say that I think I'm going in the right direction.The PODALUX surgical shoes I was given are just terrible and did not work for me. I've been out once for about 20 mins (in week 3), on crutches, and had to rest for the rest of the day as it was so painful, and I had no strength whatsoever after this brief 'walk' . It's now week 4 and I am no longer taking painkillers and can move my toe about 50% of its full range of mobility. The swelling comes on withing a few minutes of my standing up so all I need to do is ice it and put my foot up. I am still off work for the next 2.5 weeks with another follow-up appointment coming up in a week's time. All in all, not a nice experience at all.

Have been using coconut oil on the raised scar now that the stitches have come off. Also immersing foot in hot water with Epson salts every other night and then rubbing coconut oil all over the foot. Will be trying some essential oils this week (lavender and eucalyptus) this week for pain and slightly scarring. I can walk around the house at the moment but have to take regular breaks, put my foot up and ice it.

There is something I am very worried about and was wondering if anyone out there would be able to shed some light. My big toe is still 'floating' and not touching the floor at all. I have searched the internet but can't come up with anything. Was just wondering if this is the result of a botched job as the swelling is going down but the toe remains in the same position. Would be grateful for any assistance. Many thanks. Olivia
I had a bunionectomy right at 5 weeks ago. My entire foot keeps swelling. No pain, just a lot of swelling. Is this normal?
Have been suffering from (LUPUS) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES VIRUS) by this Man Dr Osemudiamen and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr.Osemudiamen telling him about my (LUPUS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email: drosemudiamenspellhome@gmail.com or call +2347038110398. He told me that he also help people to cure HERPES VIRUS and also help people to bring their ex lover back. contact dr Osemudiamen if you have any problem. email: drosemudiamenspellhome@gmail.com
I just had an Austin Bunionectomy procedure (1 screw) on my R foot (5 days ago). I am an active male in my mid 50's and Bunions are hereditary in my family. My work required me to use rubber boots for footware much of the time, the pain was excruciating. Pain elevated and became intolerable even in comfortable footware with insoles, also elevated pain from knee problems. I am hoping this surgical procedure will reduce some pain and enable me to be more active. My surgery was done by a well known Podiatrist that was not covered by any Canadian Nationalized health coverage. The surgery went well as expected, used an ankle block, surgery took just over an hour with very little pain, some discomfort. The freezing started wearing off about 6 hrs after surgery, foot elevated and iced, pain level elevated, started taking Codeine Contin ( previous prescription ) and an hr. before bed Flexiril ( previous prescription ), also 4 times a day Chephalexin . I had difficulty sleeping and had chills and then feverish, much pain, throbbing pain when not elevated, unable for weight placement on foot,(crutches) same for 4 days... Dressing to be changed in in 2 days. I was told this was an simple, easy, non painful procedure. Well, not so far. The nurse said that I should not require crutches, BS. I would not recommend having booth feet done at the same time. Hope to update if there is an interest.
Continue from #115. It has been 20 days since my surgery ( Austin Bunionectomy ) I can put weight on the operated foot and can go up/dwn stairs. The is a constant pain in the operated foot and elevation sure helps as well freezer gel pack. Stiches could not be removed as expected after 2 weeks, not completely healed. Also noticed some black marks , not in the incision, one on the toe and a couple small on the arch. These black marks do concern me. The doctor didn't seem to concerned tho. Can anybody provided any suggestions ? I think its bruising or scarred tissue. Will these black marks go away ?
Omg. I had bunion on left ft done yesterday morning 9a.m. And titanium joint put in big toe. The local wore off around 10 and I am in so much agony. Been crying all night. I'm not new to surgery. But I've never experienced pain like this. I was given Norco 10/325 take 1 every 4 hours and it does nothing. No sleep because even the sheet or foot towing sends me into fits of agony. Is this normal? My podiatrist is off tomorrow. Should I go to emergency room.
I had Scarf and Akin Osteotomy five weeks ago on left foot. Have been advised to wear heel boot to hobble about the house which I have done. Spent most of the time with foot elevated resting. After care with NHS is minimal so have had to find out for myself. I'm appalled at this actually as aftercare is essential in good recovery. Anyway. I was told by surgeon that I can stop wearing the heel boot at 6 weeks and to wear my trainers from there on. That will be on This Sunday which is 6 days away. Today I put my foot flat on the floor ( without weight bearing of course) I experienced significant pain in the ball of my foot and shooting pains in my big toe. I'm not seeing the surgeon until a week on Friday which will be nearly 7 weeks PO. Very scared that I'm not going to be able to walk normally and that I'll have pain. Although this experience hasn't been too bad I have been shocked By the lack of aftercare with such invasive surgery. At the moment regretting having this done and scared for my future
My personal experience with a bunionectomy of the L foot was wonderful...had it done in April 2016, wore a boot for about 10 days and then walked on my L heel. I went to the beach in May ( I live in Rhode Island) to walk barefoot in the sand and then in the summer, used the salt water Ocean to further heal my incision. I had no problems --only wished I hadn't listened to others who had complications. If you smoke, please quit. My surgeon was very against smoking as it impairs circulation and healing ( I quit in 1973 so no problem). Taking good care of my feet from here on end...wearing only stylish, comfortable shoes and sneakers ! Interesting is that bunions are rarely seen in the male population, so it may be not only inheritance-factor to blame but our female shoe preferences! Good wishes for a successful bunionectomy.
Had a bunionectomy 3 months ago. 7 screws and a plate and fusion. So much pain, cannot stand it. Swelling in foot not gone down at all. Yes I elevate and ice. Do not get it done. I feel it will never heal. Never sleep because of pain and swelling. Was very active, do not know if that will come back.
Similar to CindyS, I had a bunionectomy with 7 screws 3 broken bones and a plate on December 30th. Much more pain and recovery time than I could have ever imagined. I had a simple bunionectomy on my left foot about 10 years ago and it was a piece of cake. To date, I still have pain and swelling. Although the stitches have been removed, I still wear large bandages and change them daily because it has not yet healed. My cast was removed on my 4 week post op visit and was given a tall walking air cast. This sinks. I feel I have been a very good patient. I am 47 years old and prior to this surgery was quite active hiking regularly with my 2 dogs. Hoping for the best. My dogs are waiting.
Cindy L S
I had my bunionectomy on my right foot.9 days ago, It was hereditary on my dads side and had it ever since I can remember as a child. I could live with it as long as I wore shoes that weren't too constrictive until I somehow injured the sesamoid bone that is supposed to sit directly under the toe joint, but because of the bunion deformity the bone did not sit where it would as on a normal foot . This caused pain, especially in walking barefoot.. I also had a Morton's Neuroma which injections to destroy the nerve had not worked, so I opted to have it all done at the same time.The surgery went well as well as the first 2 days with hardly any pain, kept my foot up, and iced it often.. I was given a surgical shoe and only used that foot to balance, no weight bearing. I am now experiencing pain and shooting sensations like my foot is waking up. I also have muscle spasms, cramps and Charlie horses. I saw the Dr. yesterday and he informed that it is healing good. I am also in a boot now with an extra soul cut out I the toe joint area. Am still just using my foot for balance only. I don't want to rush it. I just retired last year so am in no hurry. I will be wearing better shoes in the future. The left on is not as bad and don't want it to get there.
Haneen I
My surgery was 8 days ago today and went really well. My surgeon and I opted for a Lapidus minus the bone fusion (I didn't feel comfortable with that, which he was totally fine with) and have two titanium screws. I had lost my balance three times in the first five days, but my surgeon had X-rays and redid my dressing and said screws are still in place and everything looked fine. The incision area seems to be healing on time, severe pain for the first 5/6 days, now a bit of soreness but manageable. The problem I have is what seems to be a nasty bruise on the top right area of the foot that had been worked on. I stand up and it feels like blood rushes straight to the bruise, I can't find a comfortable position to set my foot down (I have three pillows stacked up for elevation which is normally very comfy except for the last 2/3 days), I'm looking sleep over this sensation, it is just SO uncomfortable, there's a strange tightness. Can anyone relate? I'm a little worried I have a nasty hematoma under all this dressing that may need to be drained. This thing is affecting close to my toes, all the way in to my ankle. I can't seem to find relief, been massaging close to the area, icing both sides for 20 mins, every hour as instructed, besides calling my surgeon, (which I will likely do come Monday) I just don't know what else to do.
Active Guy
I had an Austin Bunionectomy 5 months ago and I am still in much pain. Walking on a hard floor is near impossible. I wear running shoes in the house. Physiotherapy and toe manipulation and exercise each day. Ice pack twice a day or as required for swelling. I am disappointed in my Podiatrist, and wish my doctor would have agreed to a orthopedic surgeon . He was clearly uneducated with my condition and the end I am the one figuring this out. My physiotherapist has just stated that it might well be a year until things get back to normal. I am so mad as the podiatrist never told me the recovery would be this long. I also have nerve damage or no feeling on the top of my toe. Frustrated as the other foot requires the same procedure.
Been reading all the comments both good and bad. I had bunion surgery18 days ago. so far so good. Nerve block at surgery lasted 30 hours, then oxy and percoset. With the meds, i kept ahead of the pain and no problems.Have to keep the foot elevated "toes above nose" for 2 weeks. Have a "knee scooter" -don't trust crutches yet. 2 months before surgery, I worked with a personal trainer to strengthen the arm and leg muscles, and have been leg exercises lying on the bed and sit ups 15 min a day..Will be in a hard cast for 4 weeks and then boot for 6 weeks. My doctor is a teacher/practioner at a local medical university so I feel I had the best of the best.
I had a bunion surgery about 15 years ago on right foot only. I did not have him touch any other toe, such as baby toe, as some procedures do ( I told him not to touch the little toe. The procedure performed was cut out an angled degree take bone out and insert 3 pins. Pain after surgery was severe with me, but after therapy and time I was very happy with procedure. Before surgery the toe burned so bad I could not stand it. Well now arthritis has developed around it with bone spurs. In process of seeing pediotrist now. One thing I still am grateful I had the surgery and would do again. This doctor is treating me with all the non-surgical medications. What I don’t understand is the e-ray showed severe arthritis and bone spurs. I had blood tests, no excess acids in body, I feel the damage is there, this process is useless when foot is already compromised. I am still taking his advice, we’ll see. My left toe has started showing same symptoms as the right one, has for a year or so, burning at night so bad pain level over 10. After surgery he said 2 days of pain pills. I looked at him like crazy. This operation, on me was extremely painful. I know they are cutting back on pain medication, but I am going have to probably beg for a week at best. I’m not afraid of operations but that scares me to death. Anyone else facing this type situation? That operation is very painful. I’d like to hear recent, updated responses. Government needs to quit this clamp down on pain medication after surgery!
tender foot
It's been 1 1/2 years since my Austin Bunionectomy. The Bunion and Large toe were " corrected ". Now, the metatarsal pad on the bottom of my foot is in excruciating pain. Swells and is in constant stress and pain. Wake up every morning and ice it. Rest and costly ortho inserts and specialty shoes will fix this. NO. I have spent & lost so much money and time for much discomfort. I just can't put weight on my one foot or swelling occurs. The large or first toe was shortened too much, limited movement, no toe bend when walking. This surgeon has very impressive credentials, performed the procedure thousands of times. Am I the 1/1000 ?
Joanne Robertson
I had a bunionectomy 4 weeks ago along with toes fusion and hammer toe correction. I had both feet done together but not sure i would recommend having both done together as it was very hard going trying to move about. The pain is muvh better than it was and i only take pain killers when they really start to ache which can be every 2-3 days. I had 65 stitches between the both feet and pins put in just two of tbem. The one thing i am still struggling with is everytime i stand my feet are going purple and i get pins and needles. This settles as soon as i put the up raised on pillows. i have pins removed in a weeks time so will post how i got on.
Active Gal
I had my surgery 31 Aug. Left foot only to make sure it will work. Appearance of my bunions are not drastic by any means but they have creAted havoc in my lifestyle. My procedure was a Chevron osteotomy with one 20x2mm screw. Not sure whether or not he shaved the outer bone as well, I’ll find out more at my first appointment on this Mon., 10 Sept. I feel it has gone great. Not really much pain swelling to speak of and have gotten around quite quickly. Had been off pain meds other than occasional Tylenol/ibuprofen since day 2, then last 24hrs I’ve been getting stabbing/burning pains off and on and so have taken 1 med again. I have been up and about(no crutches now, heel only) probably more than needed but with a 4 ½ yr. old I’ve got to. Anxious to get back to work and a decent paycheck( S&A is terrible) running, hiking etc... but these new pains are questionable? Anyone with the same issue?
Had my bunion surgery shved down and Dr said do not get wet, and do not bend toe. it has been 3 weeks and since then I have been fighting a really bad infection, did any one else have this and please let me know as I am sick of changing my dressing each day.. The Dr do not give complete instructon how to take care I have listens to other hwo say steep your feet but he said do not get wet ??
I could not stand more than 3-5 hours at work due to severe pain in both feet as result of plantar fasciitis. After receiving proper treatments and wearing the orthofeet shoes I can happily say that I am able to stand for 12 hours at work and be pain free in both my feet. They feel great and I love the colors. Have helped my knee pain tremendously.
csorthofeet csorthofeet
My daughter even ordered a pair for her clinical training for her medical program as she knew she’d be on her feet a lot. They are super comfy and definitely worth every penny that I payed. Love Orthofeet and I recommend them whenever someone mentions having heel pain. Told all my co-workers about them. Simply LOVE them and will defiantly be buying more!
Jo Ann Cardenia
I had operation on foot Friday,it has blood on bandage right now and hurts. The blood is light color, should I go to emergency room?
I have a bunion, pound toes, wide front foot and limited rear area, low curves yet none of that issues with the development of orthofeet's shoes. I used to have torment in my rear areas and wads of my feet however no more.
I had bunions and a hammer toe done back in October 2018 and my feet look bad it stay swollen and I can move my foot at night it fells like it blowing up and do dame tight but my Dr. say it normal this is not normal anyone have any ???
I need to have a distal osteotomy (chevron osteotomy) on both feet. I really wanted to have the surgery on both feet the same day and recover one time. The doctor does not think that is a good idea, but will reluctantly do it if I choose. Has anyone done both same time and how was it? Doctor is concerned about the post operative pain and mobility issues.
Colin Reid
Hey guys.

I had my big toe fused 4 weeks ago now. I had to use crutches and lie down for the first 2 weeks before I could put more weight on my foot from using the medical shoe (heel walking that is).

But it makes a difference to just walk around the house every so often without the crutches. I had some kind of pain the first few days but after that I didnt have any pain most likely just numbness all around and sometimes like a stingy feeling on the top of my toe?

Not pain but most likely annoying but you get used to it. I hope to get x rays done this week on my 4th week (fingers crossed).

I had minimally invasive bunionectomy 3 months ago. Because two very small incisions are made and there is no cut down the front of your foot, or pins and rods used it is supposed to be a quicker and easier recovery. Unfortunately this has not been the case for me. I have constant swelling on toe pad and top of foot. And as soon as I put my foot on the ground it turns dark red and goes partially up my leg. My big toe also doe not touch the ground. I read several comments of other people having this issue. I’ve started physical therapy but no improvement. Has anyone found anything that has worked or saw an improvement?
After your toe fusion has healed and the numb is away is it normal to feel like your walking on top of a screw which it is?
Debbie miller
I had this surgery done in February 2020. Big toe fused due to bunion. Everything was great not much pain. 4 months since and went to dr and everything healing. Then this past Tuesday the most horrible pain I could imagine in my foot. I do have a on your feet all day job. Went in to dr today metal plate cracked and screw backing out and you can see it through the skin. Probably my fault back on feet to soon and I never stop. Now he said he is going to put a bone healing stimulator on it, then after healing under the knife to remove screw. If you can manage to stay off your foot do it. Not looking forward to this ugh

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